Who Are You?

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Hey guys! Another chapter is up and ready! Xoxo

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Hey guys! Another chapter is up and ready! Xoxo. I'm sorry it took me awhile, I unfortunately had to put my cat down :(. I've been pretty depressed lately and haven't been much in the mood to write. But here it is! 

So a couple things before we get started:
1. This will be in Poe's perspective
2. I will have some photos/ gifs added to better enhance your minds and get my picture drawn for you.
3. I love Poe <3

He could feel the dryness in the air before he even opened his eyes

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He could feel the dryness in the air before he even opened his eyes. It was uncomfortably hot and dry. His mind instantly went to that planet by the name of Jakku. Had he successfully landed there? Well perhaps successfully wasn't appropriate. There was an excruciating pounding in his head as he finally rose from his position. Groggily, he opened his eyes and immediately whipped his hand to his forehead in attempts to ease the pain. Who knew that there were so many muscles that involved opening the eyes? It felt like a lot to his head. Closing his eyes again, he quietly willed the pain to go away as well as the pending onset of dizziness. It was then that he realized he was bandaged. Poe opened his eyes once again, ignoring the pain that came, and scanned his surroundings. It was small and dimly lit. The area was similar to the one he encountered while he met with Lor San Tekka to retrieve the map...in fact, if he was correct, it may be the very same. This was good news and bad news. One, his ship was nearby at least but rather immobile for the time being and bad news: Lor San Tekka was dead. He watched it happen. So, who could've helped him and let alone patch him up?

Carefully Poe stood up and glanced toward the exit. There were four things he realized when waking up. First, his jacket was missing, and he really loved that jacket. Secondly, someone definitely helped him from whatever the aftermath of his presumed wreck with the Tie Fighter was. Thirdly, this said person was not within the confines of this area he was taking shelter in. Lastly, he had to get back to the resistance base to inform Leia of what happened and hopefully get some more eyes looking out for his droid. Poe cursed when he realized his x-wing had been hit with a blaster earlier. He would have to run diagnostics and see what he could do to make a quick fix.

Finally deciding it was time to thank his host, Poe exited the space and was graced with a radiant sky. Orange, red, and yellow blended in the sky like an artist's pallet. It was truly a stunning view as well as breathtaking. In all this chaos with the First Order, he forgets to enjoy each planet's own beauty. Usually when he enters a planet, he's too focused on his mission to take notice about any details the planet has, such as its biomes or beauties it may have. Poe's mind truly never went beyond the fight with the First Order. To him, it felt like it was a never-ending war and at times, it certainly felt like they had more loss than success. He has faced his own losses within his squadron and even though he knew their time together was a ticking clock, Poe couldn't help but befriend them and make connections. Each person he lost; it was hard on him. He wouldn't admit it to the others, but sometimes he blamed himself. He was their leader and he gave the command. He knew though, that it wasn't his fault, but he just couldn't help the thoughts. He still has hope that the Resistance would prevail, and he will continue to fight for that belief.

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