Start of the Beginning

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TakodanaA few years later

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A few years later...

Red was clashing with blue; a lightsaber she knew well but the one wielding it, she did not know

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Red was clashing with blue; a lightsaber she knew well but the one wielding it, she did not know. There was a female holding a lightsaber and fighting...a Sith? Ben. No. He went by Kylo Ren. She knew it was him, but she didn't know the girl. The Force was strong with her. Why couldn't she get a clear view of this girl? More clashing of lightsabers lit up the snow-covered terrain they were fighting. Klara wondered briefly how far into the future this was. She took in a quick glance toward Kylo. His face was full of wrath and perhaps confusion or rather conflict. His focus was on that girl he was fighting...she made him weak...why? Did for her? No. She got a closer look at his face attempting to read his emotions. Perhaps not yet she pondered. Klara's interests were piqued by this girl. She felt a pull towards her from the Force. Perhaps their destinies were intertwined. Klara walked up to the girl and gently touched her shoulder before gasping.


Klara woke up with a start from her bed as she was gasping for air. She had to take a moment to relax and calm her breathing. Whenever she had visions or rather what they're called, "precognition", the Force would give her information that usually aided her, but it took a lot of control. She had forgotten how it felt to wake up from one since she hadn't had one for a while now. Perhaps the Force calls to me, she thought. Was it her time to finally join in on the battle that was progressing into further chaos among the universe? Klara didn't know aside from that the Force was telling her something about this girl, Rey, and perhaps even Ben.

Sighing, Klara tossed her covers aside and made her way to the shower room. Once up, her feet instantly faded from the warmth of her blanket to the cold of the tiled floor. Klara entered the refresher room and stole a glance at her reflection. She hadn't gotten much sleep these days while being on high alert and not to mention her precognition robbed her of any decent sleep. She had developed slight bags under her eyes, but they still shined within her heavenly deep blue eyes. Her father had always complimented her eyes saying if he ever got lost, her eyes were bright enough to give him a signal to find her. She chuckled to herself at the memory, but it also brought grief. Klara missed her father. Shaking her head from her thoughts before they got deeper; Klara ruffled her hair out of the muse of a braid it was in. She shook her dark red locks out of their braided form and then shook her own head as her hair fell into place along her back. Undressing herself, she started up the shower and stepped in. It was mornings like these that she enjoyed the relaxation of just waking up and thinking about life itself.

After a few good minutes, Klara stepped out and dried herself off before exiting the shower room. She was conflicted as what to wear but opted for the more suitable choice for what's to come. Something to blend in with the crowd. Maz had finally found some reliable information on the whereabouts of none other than "Luke Skywalker" and Klara felt the need to investigate the lead. After years of searching, Klara usually ended up investigating dead ends but this time...this time it felt different somehow. She can feel a shift through the Force and that was enough for her to really put in all her effort to investigate Maz's intel. So, Klara wanted to blend in with people as much as she should and wearing her full armor would prove to be difficult. She wore a white shirt with brown pants. Once she finished equipping her harness belt, Klara knelt to uncover a small chest under her bed. This small chest contained her lightsabers, blaster, and a necklace from her father, which was presumingly her mother's. The necklace had a pendant, or rather a gem, in the center. Jade, her favorite.

Closing the chest and grabbing the contents, Klara hooked her lightsabers to her sides, one on each end, and embedded her pistol on her thigh in its slouch. She then put her necklace on for good luck.

Packing the essentials, and her armor just in case, she threw on her cloak and walked out of her room with her sack hanging from her back.

Klara made her way downstairs in the main foyer of Maz'. Well it's basically a castle, Klara thought. She was grateful that all these years Maz let her stay here with no charge if in return, occasionally Klara would sing. She loved to sing but her singing wasn't grotesque or buoyant. In fact, she felt her singing was depressing but to others it was just pure serene. The crowd loved it so Maz loved it but secretly Klara knew Maz loved her singing regardless if it brought in more customers or not.

"Klara!" Maz shouted from afar earning the attention of everyone in the foyer to glance her way. The room was silent at first with an uh oh, who's in trouble feeling before they returned to their own chatter finding that it was nothing. Maz stalked her way towards Klara with a look that spelled trouble. "Where do you think you're going?" Klara was about to speak before Maz continued, "at least without saying goodbye that is."

Earning a smile from Maz, Klara then too smiles before kneeling and embracing her in a tight hug. "Thank you Maz, truly. But don't you worry your pretty little head, our paths will cross shortly." She pulled away from Maz and studied her face. Maz was a Known as the Pirate Queen that offered refuge to anyone at her place with an exception of not bringing their political beliefs with them, among a couple more exceptions. Maz had welcomed Klara instantly with open arms to aid her in her venture to find Luke. Maz was indeed a force sensitive and did lean more towards the rebellion, but that was a situation she'd rather stay far from. Maz grew attached to Klara over the years. One could say it was similar to mother and daughter, but you would never catch Maz admitting to such things.

"And what of the lightsaber? Do you not want to take it with you?" Maz questioned.

"No," Klara paused thinking to the vision she had of that girl, "there is another I'm sure that'll cross paths with that lightsaber. All in time, Maz." She smiled again and waived Maz off as she made her way out to the landing docks. Klara began to grow excited as she spotted her X-Wing, a gift from Maz no doubt stolen from the rebellion, and climbed in. Perhaps her adventure would prove to be successful. She needed to obtain the map to Luke Skywalker at all costs, but Klara knew she wouldn't risk innocent lives either, even if she had to give up the map. She hoped it wouldn't come to that. Klara plugged in coordinates to Jakku, a planet made up of mostly desert, to find a man she once knew: Lor San Tekka and he had the map.

A/N: Thanks again for reading! I know it's a short chapter but I was eager to get this up seeing as how I hadn't updated in awhile. The next chapter will be much longer. Let me know if you see any mistakes or if you have any questions

-Scarlet Knight

Updated: 6/2/21

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