What Happened?

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Hello! I am here again to leave you guys with another update

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Hello! I am here again to leave you guys with another update. This chapter will cover what happened to Klara after her fall. So a couple things:

1. Klara Skywalker? Whatttt? Did you see that coming?

2. Poe is amazing

3. Threepio can talk a lot lol

4. I'm deciding to add another OC. Male. Ben Barnes will be playing as him. I'm unsure what I want to do with him but I kinda have a feeling I want him to be competition for Poe.

 I'm unsure what I want to do with him but I kinda have a feeling I want him to be competition for Poe

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Location: D'Qar

"Busy?!" Leia exclaimed in disbelief. Klara shrunk at her gaze knowing full well she should have answered differently, but she sputtered the answer without a second thought. Klara cursed herself. Even to this day, she was still very much afraid of an enraged Leia. Force give her strength because she would need it all to come out alive.

"Well-." Klara started.

"I thought you were dead. We all thought you were dead, and I couldn't live with myself knowing that Ben..." Leia trailed off, grief flashing before her eyes, catching Klara's attention. Shaking her head, Leia stepped forward and pulled Klara into a tight embrace. Klara returned the gesture, resting her head on Leia's shoulder and sighed with content. "Now," Leia said pulling away glancing at Klara's injured shoulder, "as much as I would love to hear your explanation right now, you need that shoulder looked at and perhaps a shower would also do you some good."

"Are you trying to say I smell?" Klara grinned playfully.

Leia gave her a sideways glance and smirked, "Yes, and not to mention the new style you're wearing." She gestured to Klara's disheveled dirtied clothing. Klara simply laughed, agreeing internally as Leia rounded her desk and sat down. "I'll have Threepio take you to the infirmary and from there, a vacant room we have. If you plan to stay, that will be your quarters. The rooms are meant to house two, but for the time being you will remain alone in the room until I know of your permanency. Which I do hope you stay." Leia said with hope. Klara simply nodded as Leia motioned for Threepio to escort Klara. 

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