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So, before I get things started, I wanted to clarify a few things:

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So, before I get things started, I wanted to clarify a few things:

1. Currently Ben is 29 years old (born in 5 ABY) and Klara is 26 (Born in 8 ABY) Poe is 32 (born in 2 ABY) Rey is 19 (born in 15 ABY).

2. The force awakens takes place in 34 ABY

3. ABY stands for After the Battle of Yavin

4. Ben turned to the Dark side in 28 ABY when he was 23 years old

5. Force Wave: One of the most powerful forms of Force Push, it was essentially a wave of pure Force energy that pulsed out from the Force user that utilized it which knocked back anything within the power's blast radius. Klara will be using this in this chapter

6. Force Fear: is a dark-side Force power and possibly a dark-side variant on the Jedi mind trick, used by the Sith. The wielder would strike directly at the deepest parts of the target's mind, causing an uncontrollable shaking fear that would wreak havoc with the target's capabilities. Ben Solo aka Kylo Ren will be using this in this chapter.

7. "What in the universe" is an expression used in shock or surprise.

8. Force Jump: Force users call upon the force to aid their jump and push off, launching into the air. These force sensitive people also use the force to help the landing as not to break their legs.

 These force sensitive people also use the force to help the landing as not to break their legs

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19 ABY

Fifteen years ago...

Raised voices attempting to remain hushed could be heard by Ben, souring his mood further. He sat on a ledge peering out to the horizon as he attempted to mute them out by digging his nose further into a text regarding the Jedi ways, difficult as it was. His parents and uncle had sensed the Force in him since birth and soon, he would be of age to train as a Jedi under Luke. Luke had pestered his parents about it and yet, much to his disappointment, both of his parents denied him the privilege. The answer was unclear to Ben other than them saying he wasn't of age. Ben Scoffed. There were younger trained in the past so why should this prevent him from training? He was capable, he knew it. Yet Luke always listened to his mother's wishes. For once, he wished others would listen to his.

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