The Fall

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Star Wars and it's characters and plots are not mine xD but my OC and some plot changes are mine!

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Star Wars and it's characters and plots are not mine xD but my OC and some plot changes are mine!


The smell of wood and flesh reached the sensitive nose receptors making her cough back in surprise as her eyes lingered down the halls that were set ablaze in the darkness of the night

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The smell of wood and flesh reached the sensitive nose receptors making her cough back in surprise as her eyes lingered down the halls that were set ablaze in the darkness of the night. She blinked in confusion, her recent interrupted slumber leaving her before her adrenaline spiked in light of the situation before her. Rushing back into her room, she quickly pulled her robe on over her clothing and lifted her scarf up to cover her nose and mouth in attempt to avoid inhaling too much smoke. Going to her nightstand she grabbed her lightsaber. Her accomplishment, her pride, and her oath all in the grasp of her hand. Back outside among the halls, incoherent shouts reached her ears and as she quickly scanned her chaotic environment. With the fire making the building start to collapse, she tightened her hold on her lightsaber and sprinted in the direction of safety in hopes her comrades made it out and should they need help if they did. As she ran, the dead started to become more frequent along her path. Though, she noted their deaths were not by the fire or even from lack of oxygen. No, she noticed each of the fallen, were struck down and had notable strikes of a lightsaber. An ambush? At the Jedi temple? It can't be. What sort of people would have the courage to strike the Jedi's? Unless... Her thoughts were paused by fearful notion: the Sith?

Shaking her head, she let her mind focus on her mere survival and would leave those thoughts for the aftermath. Smoke smothered her vision as the fires raged on and continued to demolish everything in its path making it difficult to see but only a limited distance away. In her peripheral vision, she spotted an unconscious figure making her halt in her path. With her heart racing from the short and rapid endurance as well as the adrenaline spike, she let out a gasp as she approached the unconscious person. It was her friend or rather in technicalities, her fellow Padawan. She laid dead in a pool of her own blood, eyes glossed over and staring at the starry night. Leaning down, she brushed her fingers over her friends' eyes and softly closed them.

"Death is not the end my friend." She said with sadness.

With the fire threatening to envelop her and send her on her way along with her friend, she stood back up and continued her path outdoors to safety in a sprint. She didn't look back. There was no time for mourning the dead. The smoke had gotten thicker proving it more difficult for her to keep her eyes open as they cried out in pain. Once outdoors, her breaths were getting shorter and she knew she had inhaled too much smoke regardless of her attempts to prevent that. Yes, her scarf helped, but it couldn't prevent the inevitable. By now she had stopped sprinting. She scanned her surrounding, no lightsabers emitting any essence of light in the smoky darkness. Even though she managed to make a little distance from the burning building, the smoke was still carried out by the gentle breeze of the night, still proving a problem for her.

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