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Well Hello! Long time

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Well Hello! Long time. *Laughs nervously*. Sorry it's been so long. I fell behind on my studies and then it was the end of the term and finals and all that crap. I'm on my spring break right now, although I'm stuck inside. More time to write though!

A couple things:

1. Poe <3

2. You will see a glimpse of action in here

3. I may soon be changing the rating to M to be safe because I will indeed use language in here and later, much later, I may end up writing smut. It all depends on what my readers may want <3

4. I do not own Star wars. All OC's and plot changes are mine.

Terms used:

Kriff: A swear word, can be substituted for the f-word.

Z6 Baton: The First Order's Stormtroopers are trained in riot-control tactics and the use of non-lethal equipment such as the Z6 baton. The baton has a magnetic grip, can be spun in combat and delivers a stunning shock. (This weapon is used but not named. It's just more information for you.)

A Sight for malfunctioning optics: A Droids way of saying they are pleased to see someone.

Shut me down: A remake of surprise used by droids

Her breaths were labored as she ran her lightsaber through yet another Stormtrooper and wasn't given any time to relax before she had to block incoming shots being fired by the remaining Stormtroopers

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Her breaths were labored as she ran her lightsaber through yet another Stormtrooper and wasn't given any time to relax before she had to block incoming shots being fired by the remaining Stormtroopers. Already having struck down at least five Stormtroopers, Klara had to react quickly between those firing at her and those that were daring enough to come close to her. With haste, Klara took one of her hands off her lightsaber and pushed the stormtroopers ahead of her back with the force, knocking them down, allowing herself time to focus on the couple stormtroopers attempting to flank her from the sides. Regripping the lightsaber with both of her hands, she ran it through the Stormtrooper that approached her and glanced at the other that was soon to follow. A surge of heat pierced her shoulder as pain radiated through her and she let out a curse. Turning, she saw the Stormtroopers that she had pushed back, back on their feet. She forced pushed them back and blocked the Stormtrooper she had turned away from attacking her with a strange new weapon. This weapon was meant to do hand-to-hand combat. It seemed to have a magnetic grip as the Stormtrooper swung at her, turning in fluid motion along with him with each swing he took.

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