The new kid (3 of 3)

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Bucky's pov

The bell rang dismissing us from the long school day. I swear I'm going to hear the bell gears clicking in my nightmares.
I grabbed my bag, made my way outside, and wait outside for sam.

"Hey bucky" Sam says with a smile.

"So where are we heading? Into town or  to my house."
"Your place." Sam said as he pushed me a bit.


We arrived at a house, it was a model home, in the suburbs.
Rather quiet town but filled with kids.

" It's nice out here." Sam smiled.

"It's a bit boring at times. I'm gonna go inside and ask if you can come in." I smiled. Walking in I tossed my bag on the door hook.

"Mom! Sam's 'ere don't tell him anything I told you." I yelled up the stairs, and she responded with a plastic plate with an expo marker.

'Okay I can't really anyway I'm busy washing alpine.'

I chuckled. Walking back to my door. "You can come inside, we have an hour before the eldest come home. Alex and Lillian are around here somewhere."

"We'll be working in the basement." I shouted up the stairs

I opened the white door, the grey carpeted stairs where worn down creaking like the ones above them. We continued to walk down, turning left you could see a small arcade which contained two arcade machines, 2 slots, and one broken pinball machine.
On the right it was a grey couch with a u shape and a nice tv.

"Whoa, you have a mini arcade?"

"Yeah we don't really use them that much sadly."

"Oh.. still sick though."


"You can take a seat, maybe we work on math homework."

Math homework turned into 2 truths and 1 lie, that turned into whipped cream, that turned into well that turned into truth or dare.

"We'll it looks like we got 2 problems done, which is enough." Sam joked. Grabbing the whipped cream bottle.

"Yeah, I'm sure Steve will have the answers tomorrow."

"Yeah" Sam cooed.

"Bucky I dare you.. to erm."
Lily heard this from upstairs.


"Come again?" I yelled at lily.

" You heard me."
Sam was a maroon color.

"Ya know it's just a dare." He squeaked.

"I've never not completed a dare."
I scooted closer to Sam, tipping his chin up. I pecked his nose.

"Sorry." I said.

"Don't be, but could you do it again, I got a paper cut." He said with a chuckle his face red.

I shoved him "How 'bout a movie."

"That would be nice." Sam said he got up and tossed himself onto the couch.

"damn stole my spot." I mumbled.

" If you want it you can have it.


But I'm not moving"

"Then I'll just do this."
I grabbed Sam and lifted him up a bit, slipping under him, Sam's new spot on my lap.

"I hope you enjoy the movie." I said flipping open Netflix.
Sam sat just gazing at me, he was more dazed then alpine after her bath.

"Hey bucky?" I looked down at him, my eyes scanning his face.
He went in for it. His soft lips, it was passionate and lustful, I kissed back with as much passion.

"So what does this make us?"



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