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3rd pov

Bucky walked into the compounds living room. In his arms he held two plush blankets and  four pillows. Sam turned from the beginning of a make shift fort. It was their turn to watch Morgan and Peter. Which really turned into Peter going over to Mj's house to 'Study'. Morgan ran from around the corner. She squealed running into the fort with more sheets to hang up.

"Daddy said We could eat icecream and popcorn!"

"Well Daddy won't know what we eat until he checks the camera, because we're going to the store to buy snacks." Sam announced from the fort.

"I'll stay back to expand the fort." Bucky said.

Sam crawled out from under the castle.

"C'mon Morgan  we're going to go spend Uncle Bucky's money." Sam wiggled his finger at Bucky.

"Please don't buy a lot!"


Sam walked in the store with a shopping cart Morgan sat in it.

"What should we buy?"

"Stickers! And Glitter!"

"Why would we need that?"

"We could make Bucky's metal arm pink and glittery."

"I like that idea."

Sam added three packs of stickers and two small jars of glitter.

"Okay what next?"

"Ice cream, cookies, popcorn, and sparkling juice." Morgan read off the list.

"Now on wards Sir. Samuel!" Morgan yelled pointing a unicorn toy forward. Sam started to push the cart faster. He turned it faster the the wheels wanted to go. The cart tipped on two wheels before landing back one all four.

"Sorry my dear lady. That was a close call." Sam grinned.

Morgan scanned the cookies and picked out a lot. Most where pink sugar cookies, the others were choclate, choclate chips, oreos.

"Are you done?"



Bucky finished setting up the make shift tent. The tv was visible from all angles.

He would much rather not tell Sam how many difficulties he went through to set it up prefectly.

<< Flash backs<<

Bucky placed the lamp in the center of the tent He thought it would hold it up perfectly but was he wrong. The sheet came undone.    Bucky slipped on one of the books he used to hold the sheets down and fell. The lamp fell on top of Bucky the lamp shade bounced up into the air.

"Ow~" He groaned.


He took safety pins pinning the sheet together. He hung the top of the sheet to the ceiling. Crawling into the fort he tripped over a pillow. His metal arm hit the floor loudly causing the room to go on lock down.

>> End of Flash backs >>

He finished fluffing a pillow and crawled out. Morgan sneaked around him with a nerf gun. Sam stood in the kitchen he held a larger gun. He grabbed his walkie talkie from the counter.

"I'm more famous the my dad, can you hear me? Over."

"Uncle bird man Sam I can hear you."

"Mission Hold  Bucky Hostage is ago." Sam whispered.

"Hands up!" Morgan yelled from behind Bucky. Sam came running from the kitchen tackling Bucky down.

"I'll get the rope!" Morgan yelled running into the kitchen. She came out with some yarn, a scarf, stickers, and glitter.
Sam tied Bucky up, Morgan waited before adding the stickers onto his metal arm. Sam was laugh his ass off. She added a little bit of glue to his arm. The hot pink glitter looks like war paint.

"You better hope I can get that off." Bucky warned.

"Sush up Mister, we have the Nerf guns not you!"

After 30 minutes of peeling stickers and washing away glitter they sat down in the living room.

"What movie?"

"Dad won't let me watch a movie thats rated R, but I want to see it. My friends saw it."

"Well we can't just-"

"Whats it called?" Bucky cut Sam off.

"Coffee Beans and Bullets."

"Oh, oh. I mean if you want to watch it, here we go."

The movie ended Morgan had almost aten a whole try of sugar cookies, Sam ate two bags of popcorn and Bucky had One Oreo.

"Despicable me!" Sam shouted.

"You two are insane." Bucky mumbled.

"Hold on I have to use the washroom." Sam stood up.

"Do you like Sam?" Morgan asked.

"What do you me?"

"Like do you like him?"

"I mean we're friends."

"Ah so you do Like him!"

"I never said that."

"Bucky's got a crush on Uncle Sam!" She giggled.

"Oh sush." Bucky hit her playfully with a pillow.

"He's got a what on Uncle sam?" Sam said as he entered the fort.

Bucky froze and his face heated up. "He likes you!" Morgan squealed. Sam grinned.

"My dad says you two are so oblivious to each other!"

"Do you even know what oblivious means?"

"Shit." Sam said as he hit his head on the table behind him.

"Hey only my mom can say that! She owns that word."


This is good for now until Wednesday my friends.

+Sambucky+ //re-editing Soon//Where stories live. Discover now