Back from mission: Exhausting

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Bucky's pov:
Name calling
This will be a short story

" You know whats werid, if you take away harry potters stick, would he be doctor strange."
Sam said sitting across from me.

"No he'd become a sourcer."

"Sources aren't really, they're just wizards with out hats." I said

"...Docter strange?"

"Is a scourer."

Sam walked over sitting next to me.

" what are you doing?"

Sam didn't reply he just bit his bottom lip.

" trying to see what the hell your staring at cause it wasn't me."
He elbowed my side giggling

I snorted back.

"Just kiss already" nat said over the ear peice.

I mean don't get me wrong Sam is a fine as cake. The 40's would've called me a fag or dyke

Trust me people didn't like either if they worked military, but even when I had all those ladies back then it didn't fit with me right.

Sam he just melts into my heart, he fills in the hole hydra put there.
Though he has the back bone of a choclate e-claire and stress out over the smallest of stuff.

He's like oil, hard to get off of you.

He let out a yawn laying down.
"What are you think about?"

"You don't wanna know." I said

"Mind if I rest my head on your thigh." Sam said.

"Uh yeah sure." I shifted my body to match his comfort.

Considering it was a plane it was much room.

" Hey bucky, you know You can tell me stuff right?"


"I'll always be here man."

"Yeah, yeah, would you go to bed."

"Sir, yes sir." Sam giggled

I chuckled lightly my metal arm wrapped around his back side onto his chest. He held the thumb like a toddler. It was adorable.

5 mintues had past and I had enough courage by now.

"If I can tell you anything, I love you sam."

"Thats good to know."
His deep voice rattled my leg.

My face heated up.

"I love you too buck."

He leaned up placing a soft kiss on my cheek melting back down into a sleeping position.

For the rest of the ride back to the compound I stayed awake protecting Sam from any threats. My eyes would close and flicker open now matter how hard I tried to rest.

"I think you should get some rest, or else you gonna look like you came back from mission exhausting." Nat said as she walked over to the planes front.

"Yes ma'am." I said.

Pulling out an extension to the bench making a bed thing. kicking up my other leg, I shifted my body and same so we where spooning his face tucked in my chest and his arm wrapped around me.

"Love you sam. I promise."



Alright folk this is one of the 3 one shots I got ins tore before our mini story please vote on what it should be.


Road trip.

Summer camp.

+Sambucky+ //re-editing Soon//Where stories live. Discover now