Where the hell are you guys pt.2

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Buckys pov

Sam pulled the car aside in the back of a building, he pulled out a blunt and handed it to bucky.

"Its bad enough we have to fight team iron man, but its going to be a problem getting rid of this blunts butt, So cap doesn't find it." I  nodded.

"How about a condom?" My word came out faster then I could process them.

"YOUR A GENIUS BUCK!" I grinned.

"Small problem, the glove box aint ours, so who's going into the store?" I questioned.

"Rock papper scissors?"

"Loser goes in" We talked at the same time.

Sam tooled the blunt back out of my hand putting it back inside the baggie.

He drove to the convenient store.

"Rock, papper, scissors, SHOOT"

Sam held out papper, me rock god damn it. I mentality cursed.

"Welcome!" A cheery voice came from behind the counter, I gave a him a cold look turning to the condom isle.

"Erm, a large should be good."

He grabbed a black box it was sleek looking the letter  "L"  on the side of the box.

"Is this all sir?"

I nodded. The clerk looked outside at Sam and turned back to me.

"Have a Good rest of your day."

I went to leave and turned back to the guy, looking at him coldly I clenched my jaw. He let out a desperated breath of air.

"You too, John."

After that I left simply opening the door to the car and got in.


Sam lit the blunt, his windows down, letting the smoke out. He took. Hit and passed it to me. I was never one for drugs, Hydra never kept them around, but first time for everything.

I grabbed it sucking it in. I held It for a second Letang the warm hot smoke burn my lungs, letting out a deep breath, coughing of course.

"How is it?" Sam grinned.

"Dunno yet."


We pulled up into the fight

I gave small giggles while looking at sam, my balance was off, so I drunkenly walked dragging my feet along, everytime I thought about Sam my cheeks would flush and I'd giggle.

"Thanks for showing up." Cap said.

"No, no, no, sam, bucky are you two high?"

We both looked at each other breaking out into a fit of laughter.

"Sir yes, sir." I said laughing so hard I started choking.
Sam was on the ground we both practicaly dying..

"Cap, just give up." Tony said.


"Fins them we can work out a deal."



"Clint, nat, vision, and wanda? Help Mc.Giggle ge, and Mc. Giggles  to the compound." Tony said roughly.

"Cap well talk there."

sorry this one took so long, I got caught of in easter and stuff so tomarrow I will be inactive but hey happy Easter yall.

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