Island of the binding.

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Sam was still out looking for more rivers and clams. He didn't want to rest, even if his body was aching. He had to keep moving, he was always the one to the rescue, and he could save everyone by finding a lake or a stream. He walked up on a grassy hill, a small dirt trail pinning under his feet. Animals had to live here.

If I can Find Animal Tracks I can find fresh Water.

Sam always has faith in animals, he had an odd connection to birds, they were always around sam. He looked at the trail, small hoove prints led down into a feild. It was hard to see in the dim sky light.


Nat grabbed a few pointy rocks using them as a blade for cutting leaves and grass, which she then had Wanda weave together into small blanket mats.

Scott offered to help but gave up after his blanket unwove its self falling to the ground.

Clint laughed, him and bucky were playing cave man trying to get some sort of fire going, steve was using rocks to cut bamboo into small clam openers. Smart but not really helpful.

After 3 hours Sam had arrived with a papaya. He told them how there was a mini garden someone had planted, sadly there remains stood near the garden. They had been aten by coconut crabs. Which are more terrifying then your worst fear.

The 7 of them laid on the rough grass pads, 2 to a mat.

Nat and Clint. Wanda and Scott. Steve and him self. Sam and bucky, which was more of just bucky and Sam as a blanket.


"Should we grab everything and go the the garden, maybe we can make a new section?."
Steve said. He had his pockets full of sharpened bamboo and rocks.

Clint had his bamboo stick and the coconuts from last night.

Wanda had nothing in her hands because she was too tired from weaving the mats, Scott ended up carrying her like a piggy back ride.

Who knew the sun could be so hot, the island had a small forest, small grass patch, waterfall and streams,the cliffs, and an pig herd.

The group had rested in the forest, clint pointed out a small den like cave behind the fresh spring of water.

"We could set up camp here then move the garden closer. Later on but for now we should write help in the sand." He gravelly his voice was raspy from the harsh dry conditions of the mysterious island.

"I wish it would rain." Sam said, he was swearing like a pig. He walked over to the small pond lifting his shirt off and jumped in.

It was deeper then expected. Sam paddled his way up he was short on breath because he thought of it only being a few feet.

"SHITS DEEP." He yelped.

Bucky rasped a laugh walking over and repeated what Sam had done, he would take small drinks of the water.

"It fresh water!"

Nat looked up happily.


Once settled in as a camp everyone was in the water, either playing or scrubbing the dirt and sweat of there bodies.

At dinner they all gathered around the small fire Scott had made. They told a few jokes and giggled, bucky would look over at Sam to make sure he was okay every now and then. He couldn't admit it but he'd been crushing on Sam pretty hard. Since like grade school, but it would be wired to date your bestfriend right? Like what would happen if yall broke up. He worried himself with things like that all the time. He had admitted  to Steve and Wanda, but never more. He promised himself no matter what he'd keep Sam safe and happy even if it ment living at the bare minimum.

He tossed a pebble at Sam. Building up a small bit of courage.

"Hey cutie."  He smiled in a playful tone.

"Get the fuck out here." Sam grinned back slinging his arm around him jabbing him a few times in the stomach with basically no force. They giggled.

Everyone was having a good time, it was better then staying in Massachusetts for a week. If Sam was being honest, he forgot it was Massachusetts instead of Boston. He always called it Boston. It was like the only thing there in that tiny state.



No offense to anybody that lives is Massachusetts.

But have a good day yall.

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