Rope 3.

854 21 21

"I'll play along."

----3rd pov---swearing---Smut----

----3rd pov---swearing---Smut----

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(Now we got both them.)

" Well, if I had the choice, I'd make you mine." Bucky tapped his nose lightly.

Sam smiled.

"Then I'm yours."

Buckys body spooning sams gave him a relief, he felt protected, safe.
Bucky grabbed his back pulling him closer.

"Mine, my warmth. My sunshine. Mine." Bucky spoke.

"If I'm yours, can you make me some breakfast." Sam giggled.

"Yes, Mr.lover man."

He kissed Sam, pulling away. He got up and looks around the room for his jeans and boxers.
After he left the room Sam got up and changed into pajama pants.


Small radio could be herd from down the stairs, sam turned the corner.
He saw bucky making eggs, bacon, and toast. He snuck up behind him and wrapped his arms around Bucky. To his response wrapped his arm around sams back, placing a soft kiss on his head.

"Smells good." Sam looked up at bucky.

"Can't mess up breakfast, thats what my momma use to say." He kissed Sam, it was soft and quick.

" round two after breakfast?" Sam slid his hands under Bucky's shirt.

"Erm, maybe Even round 3 and 4." He growled.

Sam grinned.

-please eat your breakfast tho.-

The dishes were pushed against the other side of the table, Sam was pinned under bucky. His hands crept down, sliding the pants Sam had put back on 30 minutes ago off.  Sam let out a groan.

Bucky lifted him up, carrying him up that stairs, his body would hit the wall. They would pull back for short breath before continuing.
The bed room door, opened fast.

Sam was on the bed, removed of his clothing, bucky working on his.

"Why don't you look, sexy." Sam purred as bucky crawled on top of him.

"Nothinf beat this veiw though." Bucky shot back.

He would suck on sams skin, leaving small cupid bites around him. Sam groaned and tugged on Bucky's back every now and then.

He lined up with Sam, no preparation. He was too caught up in what he was doing to pay attention.

Sam let out a moan of pain.
"relax doll~" Bucky whispered.
His thrusting became faster and more pleasant to sam.
Soon his moans of pain turned to delight.  Bucky finished  aswell as Sam.

The let out pants.

"You know Bucky, I could do this with you everyday." Sam said.
He curled around Bucky.

"I don't see what's stopping us." Bucky grinned his placed kisses again on sam.

"I love you sam."



Alr, second or third smut ever I think.

I hope yall enjoy this insanely short chpt but my hands are tired so :) buh bai.

+Sambucky+ //re-editing Soon//Where stories live. Discover now