Rope 2.

965 28 41

3rd pov
Lemon becareful
Time frame age:
Bucky 24 | Sam 22

After middle school the two stopped hangingout, sam had moved down to Louisiana. Bucky stayed up in north New York.

"Get the chicken feed boy." Buckys father yelled into the barn. He nodded.

"Yes sir, does anything need to be taken into the shop?"

"No. Just fed the chickens, move the haybales from the top of the hill down."

"Alr, have fun at the market."

"Will do."

He tipped his ball cap at his father.

He filled two buckets full of corn maze and grain, wheat, egg shells, and other things.


" 'ere you babbling roaches." Bucky poured the food around the chicken barn.

Couple of chickens attacked his legs.

"Fuck off."

He picked one of the two up tossing it a few feet.

"Eat your feed."


Sam gripped his bags.

"Love you, momma.

Bye pappa.

Shara hit my line if you need any help down around the dock." Sam grinned.

He was leaving his Louisiana house, heading back up to their family's new York house.

The cabbie honked his horn.

"To the train station please." The cabbie nodded.


Bucky made his way to the top of the hill, he saw the old Wilson's estate. He let out sigh.

"Maybe they'll vist soon."

He gave the hay bale a good push, it started to roll down in the large cow field.

"C'mon Shirley, C'mon Leroy." Bucky hollered.

The cows got up and made their way over to the hay bale, the group of cows grazed on it, Leroy the bull kept watch.

He watched them eat the hay. Somthing had itches him though, his feet moved before his mind could process.

"Its not trespassing if nobodys home, right?"

Bucky hoped the barb wired fence with easy. His eye scanned the old Wilson's property.

"Could use a good mow."

"Maybe some flowers."

"It'll keep me busy."
He started after his barn.


Sam boarded the train. 36 hours until his old home.

He was next to a lady and her mother.

"Hi, Mind if I take my seat?"

"Not at all, you look like your gonna need it." The mother said.

Her accent was thick.

"So where you off to?" The lady asked.

"New York, heading back to my old property." He smiled.

It had been a while since he was there so house chores were going to be given once he arrived.

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