A what!?

990 21 38

3rd pov
Maybe sams pov.

Loki walked through the tower, his staff held strongly in one hand. He could take the weakest ones down first, well, maybe just the one in the anger management cell.

What a pity my father had me in one of those.

"Hello.." Loki said entering the cell.

The man with long hair looked up.
His eyes were a dark grey they looked like he had been stashed away to collect dust on him only to be used when necessary.

"Now listen to me or your not going to like  the consequences." Loki hummed taking another stride forward.

He was about arms length away from bucky. Loki went to rest himself down on the chair, but was picked up by buckys metal arm. His hand was tightly wrapped around his throat.

The man dissapeared from Buckys grasp, he looked around the room. He was gone. Bucky turned around, he was met with a sharp ray of light.  He was launched to the ground. His body ached in a pain that felt like needles through out his body.

"I said listen you fool.. your not of use anymore." Loki stepped on the man.
"You'll have fun when they find you, Ta ta~" Loki walked back out of the cell.

He ripped my cloak.

Loki frowned.

He past a guard hitting him with a ray of the magic light.



Many hours had past, Bucky still laid on the floor kind of, A lot smaller then before. He felt smaller, weak, useless. He need to find something, He needed something.

Not matter how hard he tried he couldn't break out of this new feeling. So instead, he just cried. He cried for twenty or more mintues. Crying, screaming, kicking. This was hell. He saw shadows approach the area. Two, one feminine, one male.

Sam and Nat stood at the cells door, opening it.

"Where's Bucky."

"I'll radio Steve and Tony." Nat walked out of the room.

Sam walked in, he looked in the blank room. Scanning. He stopped when he saw a small carry cot.

"Uh... Nat!
There's A carry cot." Sam Spoke up loudly.

Nat walked in.

"Did you check it?"


Nat took a step closer looking inside.

A small brown haired baby about 7-8 Months old laid in-side.

"Well, there's a baby.."

"Could it be, Bucky?
I mean we did just fight loki."

"Maybe, well grab the baby." Nat said.

"I'll check the footage with Tony."

She ran down the long halls.

Sam looked over at the baby.

"I guess you kinda cute." He leaned down picking the baby up.

"Just don't puke on my and we'll be fine."

Bucky let out a small squeal with a laugh.

Sam smiled. The two continued down the way.

Sam walked into the main room, the baby in one hand, the carry cot in the other. Everyone gathered around.

"Who's is it?" Steve asked

"I'm thinking this might be Bucky."

"Why Bucky Mrs.Wilson?"
Peter asked.

"He stayed back in his time out cell, remember. He threw the chair into the wall last week because a spoon fell by accident."


He laid the baby in the carrier.

"Whos in charge of it." Bruce said.

"We should let it chose." Vision put in his thought.

"Its such a little cutie." Wanda did little finger wiggles in front of 'Bucky'.

"It has a name, it's clearly bucky, look. One arm, his left one has a dark arm."

"Alright, so everyone listen up! After further investigation, that is Bucky." Tony said.

"We'll put Bucky on the floor and let him choose. I'll send clint to grab his crib after." Everyone nodded.

Sam, steve, Wanda, and clint made a small circle.

Tony put Bucky in the middle.

Tony put the small dark haired child in the middle. It looked around, clint was shaking his keys, steve was making silly faces, Wanda with wiggly finger, and Sam just sat down.

The baby crawled towards steve for a second hesitantly, Steve made a face that scare Bucky, He sat up straight and cried making grabbed hands at Sam. Tony picked the crying baby up and tried to calm him down.

When the baby didn't stop crying Tony passed him over to Sam, who was able to calm Bucky all the way down.


Once the crib was set up in the room, Sam laid Bucky down. He didn't agree with sleep. He started to cry again, he didn't want to feel alone, he felt so small and powerless it scared him.
Sam sighed picked Bucky up and moving him onto his bed.

"How about a song? You like songs right Buck?"

He rocked the small child. He started to sing a soft lullaby.

"Blackbird singing in the dead of night

Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to be free

Blackbird fly, blackbird fly
Into the light of a dark black night"

Bucky let out a yawn, turning his face into sams chest. His small hand gripped sams thumb.

"Fuck." Sam muttered.

He stood up carefully, placing his foot under the crib, he attemled to scoot it closer to his bed side. It didn't work.
He laid  the small child down on his bed, he put a pillow barrier down,  he left his thumb in bucky's hand, laying down on his side of the bed.

As the  morning sun light up sam room through his blinds, his thumb was now in a rough hand. Bucky had his right arm wrapped around sam, one leg over Sam. The blanket rested over there legs only.

Bucky yawned, his eyes opened, he looked down at the blanket.

"What happened after loki."
He mumbled.

"I'll just show you the footage, but I want to sleep in." Sam said pulling the blanket over both of them.

And scene.

I'm posting early cause I'm bored and the other book got me with writer book syndrome.

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