Senior party

823 23 19

3rd pov
Mentions of alcohol,
Underage drinking,
Cussing, and fluff.

《 Please keep in mind that if you are Underage while drinking, do it responsibly atleast. Meaning staying at home or at your friends house. If you do have to go home, take an Uber or cab.》

Sam pulled his car over, he was a few blocks away incase the party was crash by the cops. He grabbed his jacket and the pack of beer as an offering to the host.


Bucky exited Steve's car.
"So how long is this?" Steve asked He was head of the football team, when he was in 7th grade, he was scrawny and short, if you looked at him now he's a different person.

"Starts from now, until we all stop drinking and puke our brains out." Bucky anwsered.

Steve let out a sigh.

"Cheer up I herd Peggy was supposed to be there, the red head."

Steve smirked.

Sam walked into the host, he was greeted with a pat on his back.

"Ooo Good choice in beer!"
Tony said, he breath was already coated in alcohol.

"I thought so. Where's everyone at?"

"They're in the back, some in the basement playing 7 mintues in heaven, others are in the kitchen."

"Ah alright, Beer pong in the back?"

"Yes sir!" Tony made his way to his kitchen a swarm of women surrounded him.

Bucky and Steve entered through the back gate, they held 4 large pizzas, and 3 2-liters.

"Where do we put these?" Bucky shouted in the yard, he had dark tinted shades on with a black leather jacket.

"On the table." Nat yelled back, she was gossiping with Wanda, vision, Peter, and Ned.

Peter and Peitro where in the starks pool, they were pulling a couple of there friends under the water.

Sam was over by the Bags, Beer pong, Ducky pong, Gaint Janga, and Drunk limbo.

(Explanation for Ducky pong rq.

Ducky pong is like beer pong, but sub the beer with water and Ping-pong ball with a rubber duck. When you land it into a cup, you pour it on your opponents head.)

Bucky crossed the pool getting squinted with a water gun.

"Ah you cunts." He laughed.

"Sam!" He held out his hand for a high five.

"Wassup Buck Boy?" He took the high five.

"Nothing, hows the winning streak going?"

Sam turned to the beer pong game, "won about 2 games. Just got here."

"Same. You want a drink?"

"I've had like 10 but sure. I'll be right here."

Bucky wove through the kitchens crowd. "Whats best?"

Rodney looked over at bucky.

"To get blacked out over time shots, like alot of them, if you wanna get blacked out in like 30 mintues, jungle jucie."

"Thank Rodney!"
Bucky pour the two cups, he grabbed two cherry gummies dropping them into the drinks.

Sam was broken out into laughter, Steven was drenched and looked like he was ready to kill Peitro.

"What? You didn't see that coming?"

He kicked a small inflatable at him. It hit Peitro on the head and bounced off.

"Didn't see that coming?"
Steve fried at him walking over to Peggy. She was chuckling.

Sam was rolling on the plush grass. His face was bright red.

"What up with you?" Bucky cocked an eyebrow at him.
His dark orbs shot back at Bucky.

"Your bestfriend just walked Peitro in the face, with a ball."

"Ah, well hears your drink." Bucky said handing it to him while sitting down.

"Now what?"

"There's a movie thats going to be shown soon, so maybe we just stay out here."

"I guess." Bucky sipped on the drink.


The movie started everyone in the pool was on a floaty. Others laying on blankets and towels. Some still playing party games.

The alcohol finally kicked in for bucky sending him down a trail of nothing to regret in the morning. He had a birthday crown on his head, new people even brought him over birthday drinks.

Sam stayed close he was already past mildly drunk.  The movie came to an ending the dog had died after the owner shot him due to rabies. Sam was bawling like a baby, Bucky tried to comfort him.

"Why Luke Skywalker, why did you chose to comfort me and not the others." He sobbed into Bucky's shoulder.

Bucky was in hysterics.
"Luke Skywalker?"

Sam gave him a puzzled look before giggling.

"Your not Luke?" He giggled.

"I'm Bucky."

"I dont believe you, don't use the force on me please, mister!"


"How are you doing?" Sam was laying on top of bucky.

"I'm  pretty drunk but don't want to drink anymore I just want to have fun."  Sam responded.

"Then we should go home."

"Where?"He slurred

"Home, we should go home."

"Oh, yeah we should. It's pretty late." He rolled off bucky.

The two exited through the crowd, after about two blocks down they saw police head lights. They started darting down the block, both sobered right up. Sam's car doors closed. They both laughed up at storm.

"Holy shit I'm so glad we left early." Sam said.

"Yeah we would've got chased by the police."

Sam felt nauseous and rolled down his window, he leaned out the car and emptied his stomach.


"Thank you bucky." Sam said.


"You got my ass home, watched over me, fed me at the party, and even comforted my sad ass after watching the movie."

"Oh, uh... your welcome. I thought people just normally take drunken people home for a night." Bucky chuckled.

Sam snorted.

"Your such a dork."

"Maybe, but atleast I dont cry at Disney movies."



I should have had Bucky bring cake but to bad.

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