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Sam and bucky are kids like they're 6-8
Mild swearing
3rd pov
Bucky held the young animal in his hands, it had pure white fur, but was stained with blood. He had accidentally hit the animal with a sling shot.

"Oh dads going to kill me." He grumbled.

He walked with the small cat in his hands.

"Sam! Sam could help this, he was good with helping animals."
Bucky started out the Sam's house, his feet where tired, yet the white cat in his hands seem to have given him more energy then the sun.  The gravel road under his feet crackled and poped, the rocks shifting around.

He knocked on the Wilson's door.
Mrs.Wilison had opened it.

"Oh dear bucky, are you looking for sam?" Bucky nodded.

"Well come on in, I'm sure your daddy would kill ya if you got a cold. " She smiled.

"Hows the farm going? You daddy is going to need your help soon."

"Mhm, the farms doing well, the rain keeps coming." He said

"Sam, your friends here." Mr.Wilison yelp up the stairs.

Down came Sam.

"Hey bucky."

"Sam could we go outside?"

Mrs.Wilison sighed, "both y'all need coats."

"Sam give your friend a hoodie."
Sam nodded running up the stairs.

Bucky walked outside, the small kitten was on the porch, laying there. Her thigh was all bloody.

" 's okay." He petted the small she cat.

The cat rubbed her self on him. Soaking in the attention. Bucky tried to avoid her lower quarters, he had caused enough pain to the cat.

" Whats that problem buck?" Sam said, tossing a hoodie at him.

"I hit a cat with a sling shot marble by accident, my pops gonna kill me. " He said turning to sam.

He made an O shape with his lips.

"Well where is the cat?"

Bucky turned around fully showing the cat in his lap.

Sam examined the cat.

"Follow me to the shed."

He applied a herbal cream to the cats leg.

"Comfrey, its good to heal wounds fast." Sam said aloud.

"How'd ya know I was thinking about what it was."

"Cause I'm a wizard."

"Dont be silly Sam, there are no such thing as Wizards."


"Is a sourcer."

"A sourcer, is a wizard with out a hat. Crazy right? I just made that up."

Bucky clicked his tounge and sat on the wood floor of the shed, sam wrapped the cats leg with cloath.

"Grandma would've like this cat." Sam said lowly.

"Sorry, about your lost." Bucky mumbled.

Sam grandma was like his hero, she was stronger and always refused to give up.

"It's alright." Sam mumbled and cleared his throat.

"She all good."

Mother small cat looked at the wrapped up leg. Standing up she rubbed her self against his palm.

"Think she likes you." Bucky giggled.

"Yeah." He rubbed the cats ear.

"Well I got to get back to my dad's shop, could you keep her around here?"

Sam nodded and smiled.

"I'm sure my momma wouldn't mind another guest, Mr.Moug needs a friend around 'ere any ways."

Mr.Moug was a big large dog, he had a dark mask that covered his face, blue and white speckles and patches covered his back.

"I'll see you around sam!"

"Bye bucky!"


And scene

Another short chpt there will be a part 2. More when they grow up ;)

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