Arcade token 7/8

959 28 5

Pick off from last chpt.

The two boys followed nat and steve out to the pool, towel over there shoulders.

"We can hit everything here by ten, then we can get changed and get everything else and be done by about.. 2 am."

They nodded.

Sam and steve went to the top of slides they raced of course, while nat, well more like bucky dragged up the tubes.

Once at the top bucky took in a dramatic breath of air.

"Thank God you made it." Sam giggled.

Bucky nodded taking in hollow breaths.

"You guys get the orange slid We get the purple one!" Sam yelled slamming the tube on the slide.

He got into the tube, bucky dragging along.

"Three two one go!" The lifeguard spoke.

Bucky and Sam got a delay in the start but soon picked up speed, nat and steve were hustling pretty fast.

At the bottom Sam and bucky flipped the tub over, in the shallow pool. While nat and steve drifted to the exit.

"Cheaters." Sam growled.

"Not our fault your guys tube flipped!" Nat sassed back to him.

"What ever."
The 4 made their way to the mini surfing.

"Ooo, 10 buck to who ever can stand up on it the longest" Sam said loudly.

Nat went on first attempting to stand on top of it, she fell over after 5 seconds , the current pushed her up and over with ease, the men cackled loudly.

"Your turn stevie." She pointed at him.

Steve landed on foot on the board before toppling over, his body pushed against the current causing him to tumble around before it spit him up.

"IT TRIED TO KILL ME." He gasped loudly.

Nat laughed loudly along with Sam, bucky was stone faced, he grabbed the board planting both feet onto it, he had it for four seconds before nat threw a towel at him, he fell over the current also spitting him up.

"YOU BITCH" bucky yelled between laughs.

"I win" she yelled proudly.

The two split off from them for the rest of the night leaving bucky and Sam alone. They left to explore the place.

They found a laser tag area, it cover the entire floor, completely made of see through material besides the floor and the ceiling.

"Woah." They spoke in union

"Different teams?"


The two were join by another group of couples. They greeted each other. Handing out names while putting the suits on.

"What name do you got?" Bucky asked Sam.

"I got bird man." He grunted.


"Whats yours?"



"YOU GOT JESUS!" Sam cackled quietly.

The round started the teams were split up into diffrent groups.

Bucky and Sam ran into each other.

Bucky lowered his gun, walking towards Sam and resting ghost hand on his shoulder. He went in for a kiss, sam closed his eyes and went in to.
"My team send there regards."
He shot Sam, Sam growled and slammed bucky against the Lazer tag wall roughly,

"Give me a kiss boy" He whisper yelled.

Bucky leaned in and swerved Sam out running away.

Sam glared at bucky.

One of Sam team mates sniffed the air.

"Do you smell that?"


The girl pointed toward a  running bucky and Sam glaring.

"Reeks of Sexual tension."

In the end Sam's team beat buckys team, though bucky ranked the highest.


"THEY HAVE GO-KARTING" Bucky yelled at the map.


The pair ran to the karts.


After the cruise ended, sam got into Bucky's car.

"Now what?"

"I think we go home."


Get ready cause the next chpt is a tear jerker.

+Sambucky+ //re-editing Soon//Where stories live. Discover now