Look at me 3/3

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Sam swallowed harshly. 
"You fought against your self, your people, you always have and so I pity you. You don't ask for gold bars or comfort from me. You asked yourself and questioned your life. So I want to give you the life you deserved. If you want me to be honest."

Bucky leaned his body against Sam's, his back now pressed against Sam's front.

Sam snapped his fingers.
The two appeared back into Bucky's room.

Sam let go of Bucky. He made his way over to the large book shelf pick up a book and scanning through it.

"When I was a tot, my mom used to tell me fables and stories, she feared that I'd end up on the wrong path. To keep her lessons interesting she'd hide the  meaning, they still provide me with the right message." Sam flipped the page.

"Did something happen?" Bucky leaned back against the bed. The white big-cat curled next to him. Resting her head into Bucky's lap.

"The devil sold me his soul. He told  me many things, he taught me tricks. He was my partner down here."

"After his death I couldn't think, but then I herd about you. Your a spitting image of him, you act like him your just like him. So I studied you."

"You wanted to bring him back through me. Didn't you."

"Sad but true."

"So you killed me to use me, to bring back your dead lover."

"It's not like that I didn't mean to make it seem like that. Your so much like him your different from him. Frankly I adore you, I warship you.  The devil had me in the first half, but you are so much more. And I'm sorry for killing you. I truly am But don't you see your so much more happier then you where. You marvel over this place. "

"I am not happier here! You don't get to make that choice for me. You don't get to decide weather I love you or not. You don't understand how you fucked up my life. Because your so full of yourself." Bucky yelled throwing a shoe at him. Sam dodged the shoe. Alpine's tail puffed up. The bird flapped its wings. Sam turned to face Bucky and the white panther.

"I'm so sorry Bucky, Please."

Bucky felt something under his hands. He took his hands up and shot dark fog over at Sam. "Get out of my chamber." He shot a large and more ambitious blast at Sam.
The tall dark demon was sent hurling down the stairs.

He stopped on the bottom.
"I deserved that."

Bucky opened his patios doors. He wore a dark cloak.
The white hawk was perched on his shoulders the white cougar stood behind him.

"Fly ahead, map out an exit to the living world." He said tears streaming from his face.

The bird took off from his shoulder. He jumped from the balcony onto the roof below. Alpine followed after him.

"Why did you jump!?" Alpine yelled.

"You can talk?" He said running down the long stretch of roofing.

"Of course."

He tracked the bird in the sky.
He used a flag pole to swing himself down.  

"Your humans make everything so difficult for the four legged." She jumped onto the flag pole hoping off of it.

His feet moved fast, he turned down the alley way. Garbage cans littered the cobble stone streets.
Dodging goblins. The small town came to an end. The bird perched over a pond. He flew down onto Bucky's shoulder again.

"I need to get out and work out more." Alpine huffed.

"This is it?" Bucky breathing heavily as he scanned the water.

"Well no turning Back." Alpine said. She pushed Bucky into the water. Following after him. They appeared in Bucky's town. He still wore the dark cloak. The hawk still perched over him. Alpine still large.

"Are we all alright?" Bucky looked at them.

"I do believe so. We must go, Selvon won't belong until he finds  you left his castle." Alpine jogged along side Bucky.


Sam let 2 hours pass before he walked into the bedroom.
"Bucky I'm- Bucky? Bucky?"

Sam ran out of the room.

"Guards Search the kingdom for Bucky, tell the other kingdoms as well!" Selvon whipped a white trench coat over himself.

"Find them!"

The guards left at once. Selvon snapped is fingers. He was in an alley way not far from Bucky's apartment.

"Not going to lose you again." He growled. Sam ran down the streets .


Bucky and his trio ran past his apartment. They went to the other side of town.  The town street lamp were on and Sam was growing worst. His anger swelled up. Bucky and the others walked into the church.

"Help please." He yelled into the church.

A few bystanders help Bucky to the priest. "Please, help, the devil. He's after me." Alpine wrapped her tail around Bucky's feet.

"The devil?"

"Yes sir. The devil."

The priest brought Bucky into the man chapel. A large tub of holy water sat on the center.

"We can build a trap." The priest suggested.


"Grab some large cardboard pieces from the back."


Selvon reached the end of town, a small church sat outside of the town. He marched his way through the holy gates.

"Where is he." He seethed.

He kicked the door down.
Bucky sat his eyes were desperate and weak.

"You." Selvon chuckled.
"You play a strong game. But the one with the key is the king." He launched himself at Bucky. His foot broke through the floor. The water started to rise up as he sunk deeper. Selvon let out hoarded screams. He spoke in tounges and inaudible phrases.  All that was left in the tub was a man.

He held his head. And squeezed his eyes shut then opened them. He took in deep breaths of air gasping for more.

"Where am I, who are you. What happened. What day is it?"



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