A Note for Nobody.

744 16 2

Sorry, this is literally a note.
So this chpt ain't going to be long but it will be sweet.


Thank you,

"Erm, no. That beging sucks." Bucky crumpled the paper tossing it with the other 50 balls of papper.

He grabbed another one.

"Clear my mind, make the opening clear, and too the point." He grumbled to himself.

3:30 Am.

Dearest nobody,

Something about me isn't right. I fell starved of energy. But I have more energy then I know what to do with. I can't sleep because of it, yet I'm starved of it. I don't understand stand. Is it him. Did he do this to me. I ask my self that all the time. I've asked people around me on what I should do to get more energy.

They always respond with
'Morning runs'

The energy I felt when I first met Sam. Something had shifted. The energy wasn't truley energy it was. It was adrenaline, I can't ever get the feeling of that with out him. I want the adrenaline of when we first did something stupid, fun, fighting, shit talking, hating on the spider kid. That's what I need, but how to I ask for something like that. I dont understand, for now I'll drink my tea, and read the papers. Watch the time go by and wait for a call until I see him again. I miss you. 

Your dearest,
James Bucky Barnes.

Bucky sighed. Feeling weight lift from himself. Turning from his desk and shut off the light, he laid on his hard wood floor, curling his hands around the pillow. The tv played softly in the background.



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