acarde token 5/8

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A couple of small knocks at the door became louder, increasingly more violent.


Bucky jumped from the commotion, sam wide eyed.

"Go out the window, now. I'll find us away down, I got to grab the money, and some new cloathing." Bucky spoke harshly, sam nodded slightly.

"I'll see you outside, the window?"

"Yes now go."


Outside the window.

"Bucky this way."

Sam pointed down, he had a bag on his back.

"Where did you get that bag?"

"It's not a bag, we better get going."

Bucky ran over to Sam, Sam holding bucky by his waist, the wings expanded to full length, they soared down for a quick few, before landing harshly the carbon fiber wing wrapped around them.

"Where the hell did you get those?" Bucky yelped confused.

"I'll tell you later but we got to go."


A 'small' road trip later. They 
Arrived in front a huge ship, the small hut in front of it, tickets  .

"Buck down there, tickets, Prefect."

"Good eyes buck."

They rushed down,

"Any rooms left?"

The guy looked at them both.

"One top floor.Willing to pay? "

"Yep" they said in unison.


Two single gals sitting at the pool bar, starboard.

The bar had empty glasses, from strangers in the pool.

The sun was hot on the deck, couples watching the sea move softly. Kids ran around screaming and yelling. For sam this was absolutely paradise,  Bucky on the  other hand sea sick, he'd never truley been out on sea tried to avoid it, water always made him a bit queeze. Now there was loads of it, no matter if the boat sunk and he was left alive he had stopped and ran out of energy he'd sink, drowned, get Aten, or worse he'd watch sam drown. That what sickened him, he felt out of place because if something did happen to Sam right now, it was out of his reach to fix.

He put his head down pinching his nose, his breathing would hitch every now and then, the panic attack kept worsening. Every time he closed his eyes he could see sam underwater, just out of reach sinking down, down, down. Into the pitch black water.

Sam had finally picked up on buckys panic attack, he rushed over a grabbed his hand rubbing soft circles of his palm.

"It's going to be okay buck. It'll all be okay."

Sam planted a kiss on Bucky that he'll will never forget. Because it was true and pure, he soak the affection, but it only put his fears away for a bit, his legs were weak, his hand shake the metal arm, clenched. Everything put bucky off.

"Sam can we go to the room, please. I'm really sorry but the crowd, ocean, screaming, and my head. Its just awful I can't shake it."

"Okay Buck, if that will help you." Sam said softly.

They both got up walking to the room only a few yards away, closing the sliding glass door, locking it and sliding the curtain over it, buck turned on the tv. He felt so little.

Sam held bucky, they laid in an odd position, Sam's back resting on the head board, his legs out infront of him, his arms wrapped around buckys chest. Bucky laying his head on Sam's chest, his heart beat calming him.

They stayed like this for a while.


I understand this is short but thats how it goes.

ALL EPISODE THREE WAS A MESS,  but like in a good way. Any hoo signing off your writer.

+Sambucky+ //re-editing Soon//Where stories live. Discover now