Hydra's little Song Bird.

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3rd pov

Bucky will be called winter on hydra property.

《----please keep in mind this will be midly descriptive with the Torture.----》

The solider grabbed sam by his wing, snapping it off of its gear.

"Your my mission." He yelled, sam  hooked bucky by his arm with a grappling hook pulling him towards the edge of the plane.

Bucky followed and shove sam off.
He held Sam by his fore-arms there bodies Tumbling toward earth. The water felt like a wall. Bucky took Sam's fall, but it was enough to knock him out.

(My mission)
"Моя миссия." He growled and tugged him to shore. Coughing out water. He clicked into his ear peice.

"Птица приземлилась. Готов ко второму заданию."
(The bird as landed. Ready for Second task.)

"Принеси это живым"
(Bring it alive.)

Bucky looked at the man. Grabbing him and throwing him over his shoulder.
He walked to a hydra hide out in the states. Once he had Arrived with Sam, the Hydra Soliders took him, and changed him into an all white out fit.

"What are you going to do with him." The Winter soldier asked.

"The victim is going to be kept in long periods of solitary confinement in a white room without any windows. His clothes are white. He's given white food on a white plate and the guards outside wear soft footwear to muffle their sounds. The idea is to cause massive sensory deprivation and isolation to the victim. "

"What are you going to use him for."

"Trainings. Bait. A toy."

"Every good soldier deserves a toy." A man said.


Sam had been in confinement for over two weeks, he had begged for something new. colorful, touch, lust, passion, words, smell.

The bird had been give what he asked for. He was held handcuffed, he was allowed in Winter's cell. He was forced to sleep on the floor or in the grasp of Winter. He could train or be punished. He could go on missions or be used for other soldiers pleasure.

Yet this felt okay to Sam, It felt okay, because he had been locked away from two weeks on and off of that white room. It felt okay because he had forgotten what reality was.

Winter entered his cell. He looked up and down at Sam. Sorrow filled his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Winter leaned into Sam he rest his head on his shoulder.

"I'm so so sorry. I'm going to get you out of here I'm going to."

"I know, shh shh sh." Sam hushed winter. He had gotten back from a mission sam wasn't allowed to go on.

He was glade bucky couldn't feel the large branding on his back.

--Flash back

Two soldiers walked into Winters cell grabbing sam, they dragged him into a backroom. A peice of metal glowed a fire yellow. The men pinned Sam to the tabled. The hot metal landed on his back, he let out a scream, his eyes filled with tears his back melted onto the metal. He felt his body blister up, his back burned. He let out more and more screaming as the branding went deeper into his back. Blood and clear liquid started to boil against the metal. The metal pulled off his back, his melted skin peeled back with the branding stick. The two soldier took a dirty rag to his back, Sam cried as the dirt rubbed  against his fresh burn. His tears streaming down his face.  The next day he had two wings branded on his back, under it stated

6.0.7 Hydra's Song bird.

Sorry about the gore guys.

I mean short but creative story.

+Sambucky+ //re-editing Soon//Where stories live. Discover now