In the wardrobe.

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I got home after Celine and I went out to put money on Nana's debit card. I would have been nervous to go home if Nana wasn't awake, I placed the latch on the front door after I closed it.
"Nana," I called,walking into the kitchen.
"What's up dear," Nana asked, she was standing over the stove warming her hands on the tiny rings of fire.
"Celine and I have sorted enough money for a boiler man, and a decent one at that," I smiled proudly.
"Thank you my dear, but I can't take your money," Nana moaned.
"It's not my money and it's not Celine's either, we've already put it on your bank card," I explained, passing her the card.
"You are good to me Ellie-Anna, go into the living room - I'll make you a nice brew," Nana laughed. I walked into the hallway and walked up the stairs into the bedroom. Nana hadn't seen Mercedes' jacket, so I took it off and threw it on my bed. The photo of Mercedes earlier, from the envelope, was on my bed so I picked it up and neatly propped it up against the lamp. I picked up my phone from Mercedes side of the room and went back downstairs. Nana had already made my tea and it was in the living room, waiting to be drunk. My phone buzzed and I immediately opened it.

So Celine knows about our little arrangements? Make sure nobody else finds out, don't want to end up where I am, do you?
- Mercy.

I turned around to face away from the door. I reached for the tv remote which was jammed down the middle of the settee, as usual, and clicked the tv on. I watched the simpsons which was my favourite comedy cartoon. I knew if I turned the tv loud enough Lockie would hear and come and join me, since he loved it too. Nana appeared around the door way.
"Tell me one thing Ellie-Anna, where did you and Celine get that money from?" She asked.
"What do you mean?" I replied, not knowing what to say.
"I mean, Celine works in a poxy hospital and you don't do anything, how did you get the money?" She reasoned.
"Mercedes, she gave me a lot of money the day before she disappeared, I don't know exactly how much but I've hidden it all and I thought we really needed a bit of house repairs, Celine just helped me put it in the bank," I explained, it wasn't really lying, was it?
"You're lying," Nana exclaimed, coming and sitting beside me.
"No I'm not," I defended and she rolled her eyes, it was her against me and Celine and Celine had promised not o say anything so she would back my story up.
"Do your old Nana a favour and go and get our Porsche and Lockie up, he's going to be late for work," Nana smiled and I got up and moped up the stairs. Porsche's room was at the top of the stairs and first on the left. I banged on the door and they were both still flat out in bed.
"Lockie, Porsche, Nana says you have to get up," I yelled, shaking Porsche. She rubbed her eyes and rolled over, checking the time on her phone she shoved Lockie who leaped 7 foot put of bed with shock.
"Can I borrow your dressing gown?" Porsche asked.
"I'll go and get it," I smiled, since I was going to wear my other one.

My bedroom was second door on the right when you were at the top of the stairs, beside Celine's room and the boiler cupboard. I pushed my door open, the bed was straight opposite the door and my wardrobe was to the right of the door. I shut the door and went to get my dressing down from the back of the door. My iPad, which was plugged in on my bed side table pinged, my ring tone was two little dings. I placed the dressing down on my bed and opened the iMessage from a unknown number. An image of me was attached, I had the £600 in my hand and the £100 which was in the roll was also in my hand. I studied it carefully before reading the message.

Guess where I am?
- Mercy.

I turned and looked, the photo angle was taken from the wardrobe. I placed my iPad back on the beside table and slowly walled towards the wardrobe, the wood had gaps in it, like stripes. I nervously grabbed both handles on the wardrobe and quickly pulled it open. I shut my eyes and waited for something to happen. But nothing did, I slowly opened my eyes and looked. Nothing but my clothes were in there, I pushed them out the way and looked through the whole thing. There was a note stuck to the back of the wardrobe, it was on another white piece of paper.

Guessed right, first time. I'm impressed!

I ripped the note up and threw it in the bin, the photo of Mercedes was looking at me and it was like looking straight in my face. I walked over and looked at it, knowing this photo wasn't taken on the 20th November. It was an older photo, Mercedes hair was all dark, whereas when she left us her hair was lighter on the ends, ombré. The bedroom door burst open.
"Where's this dressing gown?" Porsche asked. I picked it up from my bed, holding the photo with the other hand behind my back.
"Sorry," I smiled, throwing her it.
"What you hiding?" She smirked, walking over to me. I turned around when she tried to grab my hand.
"Nothing," I laughed. Porsche had already grabbed my hand and was now holding the photo. He date was on the back and I was praying that she didn't turn it around, I didn't want to end up where Mercedes was.
"I miss her too, don't feel like you have to hide it from us," She smiled, pulling me into a hug.
"Thanks," I whispered, taking the photo back off her.

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