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I woke up, I was surprised I had slept properly all through the night. I turned around and Jacqui had already gotten out of bed. She made me feel safe last night, and I liked it, the first time I had felt properly safe in years. I reached for my dressing down on the back off the door, I could tell it hadn't been washed since I left. I tied the tie around my waist and walked out into the corridor. Celine's bedroom door was open and she wasn't in there either. Porsche and Lockie's door was closed but Mum and Nana's wasn't. I walked into the bathroom, I had smudges from yesterdays makeup smeared down my cheeks, which looked like I had been crying. I washed the makeup off with my hands and cold water, then look a few sips of the clean water. In France, the water was vile from the taps so everything had to be bottled. I walked down the stairs, the kitchen light was on and there was faint voices coming from in there. I opened the kitchen door, Mum, Nana, Porsche and Jacqui were sitting around the table.
"Hi," I smiled. Lockie came from the back garden.
"Hi Ellie-Anna," He smiled, reaching over and hugging me. I hugged him back, the links on his neck filled my nose and it made me feel like I was at home again.
"You slept well," Nana told me.
"Yeah, suppose I did," I laughed.
"What time are you needed back at the police station?" Mum asked.
"1 O'clock," I replied.
"We're all coming, even Celine's meeting us there," Mum smiled.
"Thanks, but you wont be missing much," I explained.
"We're not going for the local gossip, Ellie-Anna, we're going because we need to be sure you're alright, and nobody will intimidate you when we're around," Porsche told me.
"I'm going to get ready, I'll see you all soon," I whispered awkwardly, while I left the kitchen again. I didn't blame them for being angry and confused, I would be too. I walked up the stairs and into my bedroom. All my clothes were jeans and leggings, with vest tops and old crop tops. They were all old, I wasn't into that kind of clothes anymore. I opened the wardrobes, which has my more formal clothes in. I picked out a black dress, which needed a belt because the top half was meant to be baggy. I put black tights on underneath, with black high heels which had a a bow on the front where they tied. My long light hair was down and straightened, I applied red lip stick to my lips and a bit of mascara to my eyes.
"You look nice," Jacqui told me, popping my head around the door.
"Thanks," I smiled, putting my makeup back in the little bag and putting it back on my bed side table.
"How are you?" She asked.
"I'm good, thanks," I replied.
"Good," She smiled. "How's Mercedes?" She then asked.
"I don't know, I've got no way of contacting her," I lied.
"Oh okay," She sighed.
"She's alright though, don't worry about her," I reassured.
"Why didn't she come back with you," Jacqui asked, sitting on my bed.
"She thinks were going to get arrested, which we might but when we got stabbed we both could have died, so I think it's alright," I shrugged, not really knowing what to say.
"I suppose," She smiled.
"Can you excuse me, I need to make a phone call," I asked, picking up my phone and looking at her.
"Go on," She replied. I opened the bedroom door and walked down the stairs. Everyone was getting ready and Porsche was leaning over a mirror in the kitchen. I opened the back good and walked outside. I stood on the pavement, not the grass, and dialled a number.
"Hello," I whispered down the phone.
"Ellie-Anna," Mercedes replied.
"I'm going to the police station now, what do you think's going to happen?"I nervously asked.
"I don't know," Mercedes replied.
"I don't think anyone's talking to me, like right now Porsche, Jacqui and Mum and looking at me through the kitchen window," I hissed.
"What do you want me to do?" Mercedes asked.
"I don't know, whatever you think will help," I gasped.
"I'll do what I can," She hissed before hanging up.
"Mercedes," I shouted.
"Mercedes," That's when I released she had hung up. I slammed my phone into my other hand and looked at everyone who was looking at me. We had half an hour before I was needed and I was honestly dreading it.

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