Planting Evidence

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Lindsey's and Freddie's apartment was just beside Price Slice and next door to the club. It was flats and for the main entrance to be opened you had to buzz up and get whoever you were looking for was to let you in. However, when I arrived the door was ajar a little, so little it was hard to tell it was even open. I quickly stepped in, closing the door behind me so nobody would be able to follow me up. Their apartment was on the first floor and it was the third door. I knocked, forcefully and loudly on the door. I left it a few minuets and knocked again, louder and louder. Still no answer. I tried the door handle, it was open. Who even leaves their door open when they go out? I checked in a few of the rooms to check if anyone was in their, having a nap or sitting with their headphones in. I opened the packaging with Mercedes top in, shoving it under the wardrobe in their master bedroom. The knife was a little harder, I knew to keep it wrapped up in the little cloth pillow case type thing. I darted around the flat looking for a good place to hide something where nobody accept the police would find it. Sock draws wasn't the right place, in the draw wasn't a good place. In the end I just shoved under the wardrobe with the t-shirt, my phone buzzed.

Now leave a message, 'I know what really happened that night in November', that's convincing enough, right?

I opened all the draws in the kitchen and no where had paper, their was a little shopping list stuck to the fridge with a magnet but that was it. The next room was the bathroom, I walked in there and looked through the cupboards. In front of me was Lindsey's lip stick, bright red. I picked it up and turned the stick all the way up.

'I know what really happened on the 20th November'

I brushed my prints off the lipstick with my top and dropped it on the floor. The lipstick looked like blood on the mirror. The front door clicked closed and I turned around, pinned against the wall in fear. The toilet was right beside the front door but so was the kitchen. I pulled my hood up and opened the bathroom door.
"Hello?" Someone called from the kitchen, it was a male voice. I ran and opened the front door but it wouldn't open fast enough, and by the time it opened Freddie had grabbed my arm. I grabbed something that was closest to me, an empty flower pot and hit it off his head before he had time to pull my hood down. Freddie was laying on the floor unconscious, surrounded with bits of broken plant pot and the odd bit of soil from the bottom of the pot. I turned around and slammed the door before running down the stairs and across the village, Porsche was standing at the side of the road with a coffee in her hand.
"Hey! Ellie-Anna," She shouted and I ignored her and kept on running. I struggled to open the house door but when I did I shot straight up the stairs. I ripped off the outfit I was wearing, replacing it with jeans and a totally different top. My other outfit was shoved into a bag which was in the top of my wardrobe and put it back on the top of my wardrobe and someone walked into the bedroom. I slammed the door.
"Wait," I shouted, tidying everything away. I opened the door to a very very angry looking Porsche at the door.
"You could have broken my nose," She whispered, pushing past me and i to the bedroom.
"Sorry, I was getting changed," I told her.
"Why?" She asked.
"I was wearing my running things," I smiled innocently, sitting on my bed.
"Well why were you running? Didn't you hear me shouting?" She asked.
"I went on a run and had my head phones in, I didn't even realise that I passed you," I lied.
"I don't believe you," Porsche whispered.
"Ask Nana, I've been running all morning," I explained.
"Fair enough," She sighed.
"You're dying to prove I've done something, aren't you?" I smirked.
"No it's just you're not your usual self," Porsche told me.
"Maybe it's because my sister has now been missing nearly 5 months and nobody has even seen of here anywhere," I inwardly shrugged.
"Come here," She whispered, pulling me into a hug and she kissed my forehead.
"How about I go and make you a hot chocolate?" Porsche offered and I nodded. "We'll stick on a film or something?"
"Yeah that's great," I smiled. Porsche left the room and I took a seat back on the bed. My phone buzzed.

Suppose you've done good. Last task - go to the foley at exactly 4 O'clock, there will be something waiting for you.

I checked the time, it was now nearly two O'clock. A few moments later Porsche came backup stairs, holding my favourite mug with hot chocolate, marshmallows, chocolate sprinkles and cream.
"Thanks," I smiled and she sat beside me on the bed.
"What should we watch?" She asked, reaching for my DVD collection which was on the shelf above my head.
"You chose, just make sure it's not over two hours long," I told her.
"Why?" Porsche wondered.
"I'm going to the shop before it closes at 4," I explained and Porsche nodded.
"How about we watch this?" She suggested, shoving a Charlie's Angel's disk into the DVD player. We had both seen this nearly 100 times.

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