Moving day

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Three long, quiet, boring days later. No mroe visiters since I wasn't allowed any, I wasn't allowed any phone calls or any contact with anyone. I spent 24 hours a day locked in that tiny cell since I wasn't allowed any privledges either. I knew I would be moving to a higher state prison soon, any day now because they would need to question me more for my trail in less than 8 weeks. I was waiting for someone to take me to the van, which was going to take me to the other prison. I was wondering whether Mercedes was going to be there, if we were going to see her and Grace. The cell door began shaking, then it opened. The same bouncer was standing there with the hand cuffs, I knew what was happening and held out my arms for him to chain me up. He took me outside, from the front entrance, where there was a four by four waiting for me. There was someone else sitting in it, they weren't driving either. It was another female who I didn't know and I guessed they were going to the same place as I was.

"Get in McQueen," The man instructed, I took a seat on the right side beside the window. There was a black mirror up between where the driver sat and where we were. 

"Is it alright to go?" The driver shouted, the female turned her head and stared at me. I looked back, her hair was short and black and she was wearing jeans and a vest top. 

"Yeah," The bouncer shouted back, giving him a thumbs up. The engine revved and we slowly set off. 

"I know you," The girl whispered, looking at me again. "You're Ellie-Anna," She finished.

"Yeah," I nervously scowled.

"Got stabbed and kidnapped then got caught when you shoved some girl off the balcony," She laughed.

"That's not what happened," I smirked.

"What happened then?" She smirked back.

"Someone stabbed me and my sister, then when we came home we got arrested, basically," I told her.

"Alright," She laughed.

"So what you in for?" I asked.

"Armed robery," She explained.

"With a gun?" I gasped.

"No, with a stick," She sarcastically said. "Ovcourse with a gun," 

"That's pretty cool I suppose," I lied, she was probably feeling as terrible as me.

"It was at the time, but now maybe not," She smirked.

"Suppose," I laughed.

"So what exactly have you been charged with?" She asked, turning to face me in the chair.

"Fraud, frameup and harbouring a fugitive," I sighed.

"That sucks," She smiled, she actually seem quite nice.

"I know," I smiled back.

"You'll get a long sentence for that, maybe 15 years?" She suggested. 

"I know," I laughed, pretending it was all a joke.

"We're nearly here," She pointed out, I turned and looked out the window. We were driving down a main road, there was a turn off and then a huge metal gate.

"You've been here before?" I asked and she nodded.

"Armed robery again, I'm in for a much longer sentence this time," She smirked. The van parked up and someone immedietly opened the door. I got out, someone was walking in front of me and someone behind the girl who was following me. 

"I'm Jess by the way," She smiled. "I already know you so don't worry," She finished. Once we got inside the prison, we got spilt up. I had to walk through scanners to check I wasn't carrying anything I shouldn't be. I had to give my finger prints and all my jewlery. 

"In this prison, you don't get your own room. You share with three other ladies, you stay in the cell room for up to 15 hours a day. You get one hour for breakfast, one hour for lunch, one hour for dinner. Then, you get two hours exersize and two hours in a class or counciling session of your choice, unless your solicitor decides otherwise. You get to chose what you do for the other two hours. The only other time it is acceptabel to leave the cell is if there is a development in your case, or your solictor needs an emergancy meeting. Visiting times are between 1-3 and 4-6 on a Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Up until your trail, you can have up to three visitors twice a week and you get five phone calls a week. After your trail, if you still remain here, you get 1-2 visitors once a week and three phone calls. Your family can send in money, clothes, photos. I'll show you around before showing you to your room." The female prison officer told me. She typed some password into the door and it opened. I saw lots of females walking around, some of them stopped and looked at me. "Cells are unlocked from 5am to 8pm, that's the councilling office down there. Your solicitor sorts times to go and see him out," The lady explained.

"When do you get an exact date for my trail?" I interupted.

"When the other two that you're going on trail with get a solicitor, you don't have one either do you?" She asked.

"No," I told her.

"This is the bathroom, it has the showers and the toilets. The canteen is down the corridor through the double doors." She pointed out. "I'll show you to your room, the ladies in there can show you around the rest," The prison officer told me. Our dorm was at the end of the corridor, the door was tied open so nobody could close the door.

"Here you are McQueen, I'd say make yourself at home but that's not going to work," She smirked, as I looked around. There was a young girl who had blonde hair and glasses on the bottom bunk, she sat up and looked at me.

"Yours is the top," She pointed, walking around me looking at me.

"Thanks," I whispered, I had no belongings on me so I just walked around the room.

"There's some other girl who's got the top bunk over there, nobodys been placed in that bottom bunk but they're keeping it for someone," The girl explained, taking a seat back on her bed. I sat down at the chair that was placed in the middle of the room. There was just two sets of bunk beds and two tables and a small table in the room. 

"Where's this other girl then?" I asked.

"She'll not be long, she went for a shower about an hours ago," She explained. It was nearly 8pm so the cells would be closing soon. "A little bit of advice, keep your stuff neat. The boss gets angry if things are messy," She told me.

"Thanks," I smiled. Someone walked in at this point, they were wearing a white chanel tracksuit, her hair was long and brown, her eyes were brown.

"Mercedes?" I whispered and she looked up.

"Ellie-Anna," She smiled, coming to hug me.

"Is this what you did to try and get me out?" I asked.

"I thought if I handed myself in, you'd be off the hook but apparntly not," Mercedes sighed. 

"Right, both McQueen's and Carter, bed now," A different female officer said. She slammed the cell door closed.

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