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I was sitting in a room, the walls were black with a red strip around the walls. I was sitting in the middle of the room, facing blacked out glass, sitting on a regular rectangle table with a black box on the left side of it. I'd been told to take a seat, facing the glass, which is what I was doing and I was sitting with my hands on the table firmly, looking straight ahead. A man came in, his hair was grey and he was very short with ears that stook out from his head. His voice was annoying and he looked like someone you would think suffered from 'little man syndrome'.  He pressed a button on the black box, it was oviously recording and I knew this since I had watched loads of police drama's, when they interview the guilty party and they need to record there convocation for the purpose incase it goes to court. 

"This interview begans on July 25th, at 14:39 with D.S. Banks and Ellie-Anna McQueen. Can you please state your full name, date of birth and address," D.S. Banks said, he sat opposite me on the table and I hesitated a few moments before giving him my deatils.

"My name is Ellie-Anna Theresa Margurite McQueen, my date of birth is 28th October 1996, and I live at 26 Leigh Road, Hollyoaks Village," I told him. 

"Now, Miss McQueen. You and your sister have caused quite a stur in this village over the past 6 months, would you agree?" He asked.

"I would agree, but it was hardly my fault I was stabbed, was it? It's not like I asked someone to do it," I replied. 

"So you were defonatly stabbed then?" He asked. 

"I was," I smugly replied.

"Have you any proof of this?" He smirked.

"As if the knife you found, with my blood on and the blood all over the crime scene wasn't enough evidence, I have a scar down my right hip," I explained.

"So, after the stabbing. What do you remember?" D.S. banks questioned.

"I remember nothing of how I got to where ever I was, I only remember walking up in a bed. I got out of the bed and left the room, I looked in the door of all the rooms in the house, it was a bungelow, I walked into the kitchen and Mercedes was standing there," I began.

"How was Mercedes?" He asked.

"The same as me, wounded from a knife in the exact same place," I said.

"Okay, then what happened?" He asked.

"We turned the news on and our family was on it, they were reporting me missing and that I'd been murdered. I didn't go into so much detail about where we were and why Mercedes hadn't  been home, but all she told me was that we had both been stabbed and if we were to return home worse things would happen," I told him.

"So if worse things were going to happen, why are you here now?" He asked.

"I begged Mercerdes to take me here and show me how my family were coping, and after weeks of begging she agreed. But she said since we were hiding out somewhere when we were ment to be dead we would be in more trouble than whoever stabbed us, since we were pretending to be dead," I muttered.

"Mercedes was right, pretending to be dead is a serious crime, but something about you is telling me that you aren't lying, you asked Mercedes to bring you here so conviniently someone would find you and you'd be returned home, am I right?" He said, putting the words in my mouth.

"Something like that," I told him.

"So what happened when you got to the village? Someone told us that you were seen fleeing a crime scene, where Grace Black was apparntly pushed from the loft balcony? Did you see whay happened?" D.S. sighed.

"I was there, Mercedes and Grace were like hissing at eachother but they weren't arguing and Mercedes pushed Grace, then Grace shoved her so Mercedes turned around and pushed her. She didn't push her hard and I swear she didn't mean it to happen, but Grace stumbled a tiny bit and her heel got caught in the gaps between the metal in the balcony. She tripped over the bars behind and fell to the ground. It was horrible and Mercedes ran off, I walked over to Grace and there was a few people gathered around her. Grace told me that she wouldn't tell the police what really happened and Mercedes and I should go and never come back, it was like she was protecting us," I explained.

"Why would she be protecting you, if your sister had just nearly took her life?" He asked, I senced he wasn't believeing me anymore.

"I'm don't know, sorry," I muttered. 

"One of our officers said Mercedes gave you the chance to go with her, but you didn't? She even got in the car and waitefd for you but you didn't return to her, why is that?" D.S. Banks smiled.

"Because, I said I wanted to come home. Like I said before, it's not like I asked to be stabbed. Whatever arrangement Mercedes had with whoever did this I didn't want to be involved with but some how I was," I told him.

"So you didn't see who stabbed you?" He asked, I'm sure he convinced himself that I knew who it was when I did, but I wasn't prepered to say much.

"No I didn't see," I lied.

"Interview with Ellie-Anna McQueen paused at 14:50 on 25th July," He said to the microphone on the black box, before pressing a pause button. "You can wait outside," He told me, turning to face me.

"Can I phone someone?" I asked.

"Who do you need to ring?" He scowled, as I followed him outside the room.

"My Mum, or my Nana or sister or cousins, I promised I would and I left my phone when I was stabbed," I told him.

"Certainly, it's over there behind the main reception, take all the time you need," He warmly smiled, showing me towards the main desk. I walked over and sat on the chair that was beside the phone, I dialled a number, I knew it off by heart since all I had done for two weeks was walk around a tiny flat. The phone rang for a while before someone answered it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Ellie-Anna, is this you?" Mercedes whispered back.

"Yeah, it is," I replied.

"Where are you? How are you calling me?" She asked.

"I'm at the Dee Valley station, they took me in for questioning," I explained.

"What did you say?" She gasped.

"They just asked about the stabbing, and where we were really. Nothing much and I didn't say anything about where we were, about Porsche about where you are now. He seems to believe we were being kept there against our own will," I whispered, incase anyone was listening.

"There's no point in whispering you fool, if anyone was listening they'd be on the phone line," Mercedes laughed.

"Don't think they are, but I've got to go they keeping me in he only paused the interview. I'll ring later," I explained down the phone.

"Alright, see you love," Mercedes whispered before hanging up before me. 

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