Court trail

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I was standing, in a pair of tight black pants and a white blouse with black high heels. The set of doors were in front of me and I was waiting for someone to open it for me, since it was quite hard to do so when you had your hands cuffed behind your back. When I got out there, there was the judge and the jury behind me. Facing me was Mercedes' glass box and Grace's glass box. Above them was the public gallery. This time everyone was there. Mum, Nana, Lockie, Porsche, Jacqui and Celine. They all looked at me and smiled, Jacqui nodded her head supportivly but we all knew the odds were not in our favour. 

"Ms McQueen, do you swear on the bible to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth," The judge announced, his voice was very powerful and it went straight through me.

"I swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth," I said, with one hand on my heart and the other on the bible.

"Can you please state your full name, date of birth and address for the court," He asked.

"My name is Ellie-Anna Theresa Margurite McQueen, I was born on 28th October 1996 and I live at 26 Leigh Road, Hollyoaks Village," I said.

"Mrs McQueen," The judge said, addressing Mercedes as a 'Mrs'. "Do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth," He asked her, she had one hand on her heart and the other on the bible when she replied aswell. After she said her name aswell, and Grace had done the same the questions began. In the audience I noticed Freddie's fiance, Lindsey, and Freddie was standing in the witness box about to give his statement.

"Mercedes McQueen, can you go over what happened on the 20th November?" The judge asked.

"I was in my kitchen at home, I was getting ready to go on holiday actually. All my bags were packed and I was cleaning the kitchen for my Nana while checking I had all my hand luggage. Someone opened our front door, and I presumed it was either my Nana or Ellie-Anna, who I was living with at the time. I couldn't have been more wrong, I had my back to the kitchen door and when I turned around Freddie Roscoe was standing in the doorway, he had his hood up but I could still see the pure anger in his eyes. He slowly walked over to me, picking a knife up from the bench and stabbed me in the right hip, I screamed but he had his hand over my mouth. Then I remember collapsing to the ground, and waking up in a bed in a strange house which I had never saw before," Mercedes lied, I didn't know if that actually happened but I we all knew it was Grace who stabbed Mercedes, not Freddie.

"Ellie-Anna McQueen, do you remember how you found out Mercedes wasn't on holiday, that she was in fact 'dead' if that's what you want to call it," The judge asked.

"I do. It was a few weeks later and Mercedes hadn't came back, we just guessed she was staying with her son for a few more weeks before coming home, but she wasn't answering phone calls, texts or emails. Then one day we found her passport hidden in the kitchen. Nana immedietly phoned the police, and when they came around he straight away noticed a blood stain on the side of the table, which none of us had noticed," I told him.

"Grace Black, you and Mercedes weren't exactly friends, were you? Why was that?" Judge asked.

"We weren't friends, no. There was an incident a few months before Mercedes went missing between Freddie, her and I. Mercedes and Freddie worked for me you see, and they didn't want me here anymore. So one say Freddie Roscoe pulled his gun out of nowhere and tried to shoot me, I grabbed the gun to try and get it away and then Mercedes grabbed it, someone pulled the trigger and it shot me, that's how I can't have children now. Because they shot me. That's why we weren't friends," Grace told everyone, this was true and Mercedes wanted Grace dead at the time.

"Well do you want to know what I think happened?" Freddie solicitor asked, he was trying to get us all sent down for trying to frame him. "I think, Mercedes and Grace had a plan to get Freddie arrested, to put him away for something. I think it was Grace who stabbed Mercedes, and she knows it was Grace. Then Grace forced Mercedes to stay in a hidden house in France to make sure that nobody would ever know that Mercedes was still alive. When that failed, Grace began sending threatening messages to Mercedes younger sister, Ellie-Anna, she was the one who planted the evidence in Freddie and Lindsey's flat. Then, when that still didn't work and Freddie was a free man Grace decided to turn to Ellie-Anna. She told her to meet her and when Ellie-Anna arrived, Grace stabbed her and Ellie-Anna knew it was Grace, when she says she didn't see who it was that is all lies. Then when Ellie-Anna turned up in France, she pleaded to go home because Freddie had been arrested for it, then when Mercedes finally gave in. You two stayed in a little hotel just outside of the Hollyoaks for quite a few weeks, didn't you? Then when you finally got the courage to come to the village, Mercedes pushed Grace from a balcony in anger at how they weren't allowed to come home. Mercedes panaked after this happened and tried to do a runner, but Ellie-Anna wanted to stay and see if Grace was alright. This is when the rest of the McQueen family saw them, Mercedes tried to speed away but accidently ran over Porsche McQueen, who's there cousin. Am I correct?" He smuggly said.

"No!" All three of us scoffed. 

"Where is your evidence for all of this?" The judge asked.

"From where Mercedes and Ellie-Anna's stab wounds are angled, it is positive that they both faced Grace while she stabbed them. So it's sure that they both saw who did it, but Ellie-Anna is lying and saying she didn't see anyone. There is no threatening messages been sent to either Mercedes or Ellie-Anna while they were in France, only money which had recent finger prints that match Grace Black's on. The messages Ellie-Anna was recieveing before hand were traced back to a pay as you go mobile which was distroyed in a skip down the road, again Grace Black's finger prints were all over the phone's remains. Is that not enough evidence for you Judge? Freddie Roscoe is an innocent man and Grace Black, Ellie-Anna McQueen and Mercedes McQueen are framing him," The man explained.

"It's down to the jury now, to decide whether these three girls are guilty or not guilty of frameup and whether Mercedes and Ellie-Anna are guilty of fraud," The judge bellowed, banging his hammer and the jury walked away.

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