Help me Please

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this one is kind of sad, but knowing me it will
probably get fluffy at the end lol
Eiji's Pov
I was just reading a book in my room while i was waiting for Ash to get back. He had left about 2 hours ago when he thought i was asleep. He should know me well enough to know that i stay awake when i think he is going to leave in the middle of the night. We have been dating for a few months now. Ash is a closed person. I understand why. He has lots of trauma in his life, and he deserves the world. I want to give it to him. As i was thinking about Ash, i heard a window bust open. I panicked knowing that Ash told me that this kind of thing was bound to happen and that i need to call him immediately. I grabbed my phone and hid under the desk that Ash had his computer on. I had his number on speed dial, mainly for occasions like this. It didn't even ring twice before Ash picked up. "Hello? Eiji?" He said worriedly. I wasn't able to respond because i saw the intruders  footsteps getting closer through a crack in the desk. I was hoping Ash would hear my heavy breathing and understand that there was a problem. "I'm on my way, stay where you are." He said before hanging up. I saw the intruders feet right in front of the desk. I jumped, causing me to drop my phone. The intruder leaned down under the desk and grabbed me. I couldn't make out his face at first. But then, i heard his voice. "Long time no see." He said while smirking at me. Arthur..

Ash's Pov
As soon as i heard his breathing, i knew something was wrong. Also, he rarely calls me when i'm out because he doesn't want attention to be drawn to me if i'm having to be quiet. Luckily, this time, i wasn't in hiding so i didn't have any problems getting back to our apartment. Even if i had been in hiding or running from someone, it wouldn't have stopped me from getting to him. As soon as i got to the apartment, i saw the busted window and ran to the door. The door was locked so i busted it down by kicking it open. I ran in and saw that no one was there. I frantically looked around the apartment and still found no one. But then i saw something on the floor. It was Eiji's phone, and ther was a note next to it. I picked it up and it read: 'I have your little pet, if you want him back, then come get him lynx. But just know, i'm not going to play nice.' I could just hear that annoying voice. I knew it was Arthur. His messy hand writing, and the fact that he called me lynx. He's the main person that calls me that. A few seconds later the gang showed up. "W-what happened here?" Asked Bones. "Eiji was taken. Arthur has him. I know where we need to go, but i need different guns then what i have right now." I said while walking over to them. Right when i said that, Shorter walked in with just the guns that i needed. "I'm guessing you need these right?" He said, actually sounding serious. " Yeah, thank you."
I said while taking the guns. Then to communicate while we separate, (mainly to say if someone found Eiji), we have ear pieces. Once everyone had theirs in we left. They all rushed because they saw how pissed i was.

Eiji's Pov
When i woke up, i was chained to a bed. I saw Arthur standing in the corner of the room. "Oh look who's finally awake." He said while walking over to me. "Stay away from me!" I said while slightly shaking out of fear, and just simply being cold. "No can do. Now lets get started before Lynx gets here, hmm?" He said while getting on top of me. That's when i realized why im so cold. My clothes were gone. I then felt him start kissing my neck and running his hands all over my body. I started crying and telling him to stop but he didn't. I was hoping he would stop before going all the way, but unfortunately, he did not. At that point i was screaming and crying. When i got to loud he stuffed his shirt into my mouth. I grunted and tried kicking him off but he was too strong. I then saw Ash enter the room, and thats all i saw before blacking out from exhaustion.

Ash's pov

I heard loud noises from a room at the end of the hall and i ran towards it, knocking the door down, as it was locked. When the door fell down, i saw something that i hope i never have to see again. That fucker. "Get the fuck off of him!" I yelled while shooting Arthur in the head. I saw that Eiji was passed out. I ran over to him and got him dressed whle telling everyone that i found him. I picked him up and carried him back to where the gang was. We found an old van a while back that could fit all of us, so thats what we use for things like this, just driving around, etc. Once i got Eiji in the car, i sat him on my lap. I wanted him to be as close to me as possible. Around 2o minutes later we arrived back at our apartment. Bones and Kong worked on fixing the window while i took Eiji to our room. I layed him down on the bed while i got him some clean clothes. I got him out of the old clothes and put him in one of my sweatshirts and a pair of my sweatpants. I know he feels safer and more comfortable when he wears my clothes. It's adorable honestly. When i was changing his clothes, i noticed all of the marks that son of a bitch left on him. It made me so mad, and so sad for him. I know what it's like to go through that. The first few days after it happens are just pure hell. Actually the first few weeks, even months are still hell. But, he won't be alone. I'll make sure of that. I don't want him to end up like me. After a few seconds he woke up. He looked around frantically and i told him that i was right here and that he's okay. I kept my distance in case being touched would scare him. After a few minutes of just talking to him a little bit, i asked him if he was okay with being touched. He said yes, so i layed down next to him and carefully pulled him into my arms. His head was on my chest as i ran my hands though his hair. "What happened today, wont happen again. I'll make sure of it. And you won't be alone, i promise. Ill be here the whole time." I said while wiping the tears from his eyes. "I know, thank you Ash." He said with a small voice. Almost like his voice was slowly fading away. "Do you want to try and sleep?" I said, to which he nodded. "Okay, sleep then. I'll be right here, I'm not going anywhere. I love you." I said while hugging him closer. "I love you too Ash..thank you." He said while his voice trailed off. Little does he know, im the one who should be thanking him. He's my reason for living. I wont let that happen to him again. I stake my life on it.

Well hope u enjoyed that. And tysm for all of the reads! I was not excepting it at all but tysm! Please please leave requests if you want more of these. I really am running out of ideas. Have a good day/night! Love you all <3 (also exusce grammer mistakes please, i did not have the time to proofread this.

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