Chapter one : Bad Day

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They are dating in this one!
Ash's POV
I have been in Japan with Eiji for about 4 months now. I really love it here, and it so nice to not have to carry a gun around everywhere I go. And for the first time in forever i genuinely feel happy. Of course that is all thanks to Eiji. I'm currently taking Japanese classes so I can try to learn the language. It's not going so well. But it's fine because Eiji should be home soon!

Eiji's POV
"Eiji i need you to work overtime today, this needs to be done before tomorrow." My boss said to me. I wanted nothing more then to just go home and see Ash but i have to stay and do this work. I'm a photographer. And me and Ibe took some pictures today for our company's magazine and we have to edit them before they can be submitted. The due date just has to be before tomorrow. I've just been off all day today and haven't been able to think straight. I never tell Ash if i feel sad or anything like that because i never want to bother him. Plus he's been through so much more then i have. I just couldn't tell him that i'm sad. I just feel useless. I just feel like if i disappeared it would do the world a favor. I mean I caused so many problems when i was with Ash in New York. I wish I could tell him but i just can't. I was immediately snapped out of my thoughts when my boss was waving his hands in front of my face. "Eiji did you hear a word of what i just said?" "Y-yes sir, i'm sorry i just spaced out!" With that being said, my boss left. I sighed and pulled out my phone to tell Ash i would be working late. (bold:Ash, Italics:Eiji)
Hey Ash, i'll be late getting home. I have to finish editing these pictures.
Eiji your overworking yourself again.
I know Ash but I don't have a choice. And i'm fine! I'll see you when i get home. I love you
I love you too Eiji

I sighed and put my phone down and started working on editing the pictures. It was just me working on them since Ibe went home early. I just want to go home.

Ash's POV
I know something is wrong with Eiji. He always over works himself but something else is bothering him.

Eiji POV (time skip: 1 hour)
I finally finished editing the pictures. So i turned them in and started heading for the bus stop. Once i got on the bus i pulled out my phone and texted Ash that i was on my way home. Soon after that the bus stopped in front of our apartment complex. I got off and headed towards the elevator to get to our floor. As soon as i saw our door i sighed in relief. I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door, and was immediately greeted by Ash. "Hey Ash!" I said with as much enthusiasm as i could. "Hi Eiji" he said looking concerned. He probably sees right through my act. "Come here" he said looking at me with his arms open. I sighed knowing there is no way to get out of this. I'll have to tell him. He already knows something is up. I walked right into his arms, and he wrapped them around me and kissed my head. "Eiji I know something is wrong, and you don't have to tell me, but it might help to let it out." He whispered into my ear. He's probably right, it would feel better to let it out. But i don't wanna bother him. I started thinking about the things i wanted to tell him and i felt my eyes well up with tears. I tired to hold them back but they just started flowing down my cheeks. Ash immediately noticed this and lifted me up in his arms and started walking to our bedroom. I just wrapped my arms around his neck, and had my legs around his waist while i cried into his shoulder. Once we got to our room he laid me down onto the bed and walked to the closet and brought back a pair of his sweatpants and one of his hoodies. "Put these on love, i'm going to get you some water okay?" He said and leaned down to wipe my tears while kissing my forehead. He then left the room so i could change.

Ash's POV
I walked into the kitchen to get him some water. Seeing him cry broke my heart. I just hate seeing him in any type of pain. But i'll do my best to make him happy. I got his water and walked back to our room. I knocked on the door to make sure he was done changing. "Eiji, can i come in" I asked softly. I heard a little bit of shuffling and then i heard a quiet yes. So i walked in and set his water on the bedside table. He thanked me and drank it. I then laid down next to him on the bed and wrapped my arms around him. He nuzzled his face into my neck. I smiled and rubbed his back. "Do you want to tell me what's wrong? It might help you to tell someone." I asked him softly. He let out a shaky sigh before nodding. He sat up slightly and said "I've been feeling like this for a while but i didn't want to say anything. I just feel kind of useless. I just think that if i were to disappear it would be for the better. I cause so many problems and i can't seem to do anyth-" I cut him off by kissing his lips softly, but hard enough to make him stop talking. "Eiji you should have told me sooner. I could have helped. And none of those things are true. You are perfect. There is nothing i would change about you. And you have so much value as a person. I love you so much." I said while cupping his face in my hands. I saw tears well up in his beautiful brown eyes. He started crying and buried his face into my chest. I started rubbing his back and whispering sweet nothings in his ear. "Shhh it's okay baby i'm right here" I said while continuing to rub his back. After some time passed he calmed down. He moved  his head up so he could lay his head in the crook of my neck. I smiled and kissed his head. He smiled back at me, and this time it looked real. "Are you feeling better?" I asked him, still keeping my voice down. "Yeah, thank you Ash" He said quietly. "Are you tired love?" I asked him. He nodded and i then whispered "Get some sleep baby, i love you." I heard him mumble a small 'i love you too' before falling asleep. I smiled at the beautiful boy in my arms and kissed his forehead for like the 100th time before falling asleep myself.

Well i tried! This is my first fanfic so go easy on me please. I apologize for any typos, i'm doing this on my phone so there are bound to be some. Anyways i hope you enjoyed! Feel free to leave requests! :)

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