"I do."

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i have been waiting to do this one for a long time, so i thought i would at 4:42 in the morning, this is also a time skip of about 3 years. :D

Ash's Pov

If someone had told me 3 years ago that I would be where I am right now, I wouldn't have believed them. Who knew that I could ever get this far? I didn't. But i'm so glad I did. And it's all because of Eiji, and of course this moment.


(still Ash's pov)

Me and Eiji are currently on a date, but it isn't just any date. It's the place we went to for our first date. Were at Jigokudani Park, which is where he first took me when he was showing me around Japan. (if you read the chapter called 'day out' you'll understand what i'm talking about) But that's not the only reason why this date is so special. I'm going to propose to him, on the top of the mountain. Yes, it may be cheesy but for him it's fine. I'm a little nervous, but i'm mostly excited. I'm not worried about him saying no, because I don't think he will. I talked to Max and Sing about how to ask him properly, and they were surprised i'm asking him this soon. I don't really think it's too soon. I think it's late honestly. If I had the nerve, I would have asked him soon after we got to Japan. I knew I wanted to marry him from the moment he first spoke to me back in Japan. As I was thinking about ways to ask him, Eiji asked, " What are you thinking about?" He must have noticed I wasn't talking. "You'll find out." I said while smiling at him. "Why can't you tell meee?" He said while dragging out the e in me like a little child. "Because it's a surprise Eiji." I said while smirking at his attempt to seem frustrated with me. As we were talking, we were making our way up the mountain. (btw im pretty sure it a touring site so there is some way they are getting up there, it's not like they are actually climbing the mountain) After a short while, we made it to the top. (TOBE FLY- i hope someone gets this, beth im counting on you.) I was ready to do it as soon as i could, so after a few minutes of talking, I was ready. When Eiji had looked away, I got down on one knee, and pulled out the ring box and opened it. The people around us gasped, like they were excited for what was about to happen. Eiji turned around at the noise, and then he also gasped. "Eiji, I have been wanting to do this for a long time. I wanted to do it here since it's the first place you took me in Japan. Ever since I met you, I knew I wanted to marry you. You've always been there when I needed you, and you kept your promise. You stayed by my side, even when i tried to push you away. And now, i want to keep my side of the promise. I said, "stay by my side, it doesn't have to be forever, just for now." Since you stayed by my side then, do you wanna stay by my side forever?" (omg im sobbing pls send help-) I said, tears down my face. They were mostly happy tears though. "Of course I would. Like I said back then, I would never ever leave your side, you're stuck with me. Of course i'll marry you!" Eiji said while pretty much jumping on me. I hugged him tight before pulling away long enough to slip the ring on his finger. This moment had to be the best one yet, everyone was cheering, and me and Eiji had the biggest smiles on our faces. 

Back to current time

Eiji's Pov

Our wedding is today. To say i'm a bit nervous is an understatement. I mean, everyone is here. They are all outside, waiting for me to walk out. But, I'm more excited then I am nervous. Ibe is currently helping me fix my veil. Ash wanted me to wear a dress, but I refused so we settled on me at least wearing the veil. It looks strange with the suit, but oh well. "How are you feeling?" Ibe asked, while putting his hands on my shoulders as we looked in the mirror. "Mostly excited, but a little nervous." I said while smiling. "I just hope Ash is doing okay." I said while laughing a little, trying not to worry about him. With everything he's been through, he could easily freak out about this.

Ash's Pov

I'm currently trying to tie this stupid bow tie. I've been trying for god knows how long. Max, Jessica, and Michael are in here with me too. Max walked over to me, "Need some help?" I didn't feel like protesting, so I agreed. He started to tie the bow tie for me while I was talking to Michael. Jessica was to busy trying not to cry. "How about you try to save your tears for the actual wedding?" I said while laughing a little. I'm a bit nervous about messing up my vows. I have them memorized, i just don't want to mess up. "Oh shut it, I'm trying but you guys are just too cute." She said while crying some more. "I- he isn't even here right now." I said while all us looked at her. "What? Have you guys not heard of imagination? Stop looking at me like that." She said. Michael and Max immidently looked away, but i kept laughing. "You might wanna look away, she's terrifying." Max said, while looking scared. "What did you just say?!" She said while walking over to Max and slapping him in the back of the head. Me and Michael looked at each other and started laughing even more. After a while, it was time for me to go stand at the alter.

Eiji's Pov

I heard the wedding march start to play so I began walking out. All of my stress and worry went away when I made eye contact with him. I began walking towards him, while Ibe was walking right beside me. And Michael followed behind us, throwing out flowers, and throwing one at Max making everyone laugh. (pls im crying i need help my ideas just keep coming and they are killing me) Once i got there, the minister began the ceremony. "We are gathered here today, to celebrate Eiji Okumura, and Aslan Jade Callenreese." He said, everything else he said went over my head until we got to the vows part. Ash was asked to go first.

Ash's Pov

I took a deep breathe and started my vows. "Eiji, like I've said many times, I have been waiting for this moment ever since I first saw you. From the moment I saw you, and heard you speak so nicely to me, I trusted you. Like Skipper told you, I never let anyone hold my gun before you came along. You brought out a different side of me. A side of me that isn't so scary, or mean. And you kept your promise after all this time. You have never once left me, even when i tried to get you to leave. I hope now we can stay with each other until we die. I love you more then words could ever explain, and I wouldn't trade you for the world." I finished while smiling, tears again, falling down my face. He wiped them away ad smiled at me. It was his way of saying i did good, i could see it in his eyes. Next was Eiji's turn.

Eiji's Pov

I was now asked to do my vows. "Now I don't think I could top that but I'll give it a shot." I began, everyone laughed. "Ever since I met you, I could tell you had been through a lot. I remember my first thought being, 'i want to help him'. When you started to let your guard down around me, it made me really happy. I always had this need to protect you from anything that I could. Even if i wasn't able to. I just wanted you to live a better life then what you were given. By giving you that plane ticket, I think i made that happen. You seemed so happy when you got to the airport and we left.( Ash wasn't stabbed in this)  And i was so glad i could make you happy. I will continue to do that until i die. I love you, and i will never stop loving you. " I said, also crying. This time, Ash wiped my tears. Then we got to the ring part. I slipped Ash's ring onto Ash's finger, and he slipped my ring on my finger.

Time skip to when they say i do since i cant remember how weddings work

Ash's Pov

"Do you, Aslan Jade Callenreese, take this man to be you husband?" The minister asked. "I do" I said, being completly sure of my anwser. "Do you, Eiji Okumura, take this man to be your husband?" He asked Eiji, to which he said, "I do." "Then, i know pronounce you husband, and husband." He said while smiling at us. " You may now kiss the husband." (idk how to word this-) He said, with that i leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips. Everyone was clapping and cheering. When we pulled away, i looked at everyone who came. Max, Michael, Ibe, Jessica, Sing, Bones, Kong, and Michael's friends from school. I wish Shorter, Skipper, and Griffin could have been here, but this was enough. I was ready to spend the rest of my life with him.

This made me sob-

anywayssss thank you for 6k reads! I hope you all have a good night/day, i love you all.

Beth, you better have understood that reference. Don't make me hunt you down. :DD

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