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i hope you all enjoy this one. <3

Ash's Pov

Me and Eiji were sitting on the couch watching old movies when Eiji's phone rang. I huffed, while he picked it up. "Hello?" He said while still staring at the TV. "Of course we can! What time will you be dropping him off?" He said while smiling, while i looked at him with a questionable face. "Okay that sounds great! See you when you get here!" He said while bringing his phone down from his ear so he could hang up. "What was that about?" I said while pausing the movie. "Me and you are going to babysit Michael tonight!" He said while jumping off the couch to go see if we had Michael's favorite snacks over here already. He didn't tell me that, but i knew that's what he was doing since he's in the kitchen looking through the cabinets and fridge. "Okay, what time is he coming?" I said while walking over to the kitchen where Eiji was. "In like 2 hours." He said, still looking around the kitchen making sure we had everything. Normally i don't like it when people interrupt me and Eiji's time together, but i don't mind if it's Michael. I guess you could say i have soft spot for him, just like i have one for Eiji. "Oh good we have everything he would want!" He said while clapping and running back into the living room and jumping back on the couch. "Well come on, we still have time to finish the movie before he gets here!" He said while picking up the remote and waiting for me to come back. "Okay okay, how long is he staying?" I said while walking back to Eiji and sitting on the couch. "I believe he is staying multiple nights. I think Jessica and Max are going to be out of town for a few days." He said while starting the movie back.  I just nodded and we started watching the movie again.

-Two hours later-

Ash's Pov

It was time for Michael to come over, and i have to admit, i was excited. Seeing him doing well, and just seeing him in general makes me happy. I treat Michael how i treated Skipper. I miss Skipper more then words could ever begin to describe, but at least i have Michael. He also reminds me of when i was younger, and i want to protect him from that world. No one deserves to go through what i went through. My thoughts were cut off when there was a knock at the door to our apartment. Eiji, who was in the kitchen double checking for like the 5th time that he had everything Michael would want,( It's almost like he forgets that Michael will still want to go to the store so he can be pushed around in the shopping cart. I'm sure we will be doing that as soon as Max and Jessica are gone) goes to the door and opens it for Michael. Eiji said his goodbyes to Max and Jessica after Michael hugged them both and said goodbye. I'm trying to be more nice to people so i said bye to both of them and told them to be safe. Once they were gone Michael hugged Eiji and then ran to me like it was the last thing he would do. I smiled, and hugged him when he got to me. He was laughing with pure joy, and it was honestly adorable. Eiji just smiled in our direction, he always thought i would be good with kids. So he thinks it's cute when i'm with Michael. "Can we go to walmart?" He said while smiling when he pulled away from the hug, looking back and fourth at me and Eiji like he didn't already know what our response would be. "What do you think our response would be?" I said in a teasing manner. He looked at me then back at Eiji. "Of course we can go!" Eiji said while grabbing his keys, but i stopped him. "Oh nono, you drive like an old Grandma. I'm driving." I said and grabbed my keys. Michael started laughing because of what i said and the fact that Eiji had to be dramatic and pretend like he had a heart attack from my words. "So mean!" He said while grabbing Michael and leaving. I heard them laughing and laughed to. This should be fun.

Still Ash's Pov, just fast-forward until they are at Walmart.

When we got to Walmart, we all started walking to the entrance. Eiji was ranting about me driving to fast, even though i was at the speed limit. "You once got pulled over for driving to slow." I said while laughing, causing Michael to laugh to. Eiji just rolled his eyes, but smiled and laughed. It was 11 pm by now. Once we got inside, Eiji grabbed the shopping cart, and i picked Michael up and set him inside the cart. We started going through the store, grabbing various things that Michael had asked for. It was just junk food. Like ice cream, cookies, candy, etc. Us, being suckers for him, got everything he wanted. But, Eiji made a mistake. A good mistake though. He left me and Michael without supervision. I chuckled and started running with the cart, Michael inside with all of his junk food, and just speed through the isles. We then hit a shelf that knocked over a lot of protein shakes. (based off of true events, i was Michael in this situation :DDD) Eiji came back, right at that time. "I really can't leave you guys alone, can i?" He said while adding the things he got to the cart. "Nope, you really cant!" Michael said happily, while crawling out of the cart to put the protein shakes back on the shelf. I helped to, and when we were done i picked him up and set him back in the cart. "Okay, Walmart's about to close, lets go."Eiji said while walking to the registers. I pushed the cart and talked to Michael while the worker ran up our items. Once we were done, we got Michael out of the cart and walked back to the car with all of our snacks. "I'm driving this time." Eiji said while snatching my keys and laughing while jumping into the drivers seat. Before i could protest, Michael said, "Don't stop him, it will give us more time to be in the car!" Michael has always liked being in cars, so i agreed, plus Eiji's driving s funny. On the car ride back home, we were all laughing, and i had one of those moments where i truly felt alive. I was with my two favorite people in this world, so this is, and always will be one of my happiest memories.

i hope you guys enjoyed! lmk if you want a story time on the whole shopping cart thing. I love you all, and i hope you all have a good day/night. <333

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