Good Riddance

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A/N: If you haven't already seen The Hobbit, I suggest you do so... just saying. I want to get this story finished in time before my revision starts for A-Level modules BLAH ABSKHGABSKHGVB I KNOW NOTHING OF GATSBY FUCK YOU FITZGERALD FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFSSSSSSSSSSSTTTT

Enjoy the penultimate chapter :)


“You look stunning, you know,” I said to my mother, as we stood side-by-side in her room, looking into the mirror. She was wearing the most beautiful dress I had ever seen – white and lacey, with her hair in the usual bridal bun. A grand, twinkling tiara was lodged in her hair and a long veil stretched down from it. I felt like I should be angry about it, but anger never came. I smiled at the thought of that. I felt free now. Free from the anger that had consumed me before.

“I’m so nervous,” she whispered. “What if it all happens again, Grace? I can’t go through that again...” I took her arm gently, trying to calm her down. “I can’t look at another coffin with the man I love in it again...”

“Jesus Christ, mom – you’re not even married yet and you’re picturing Billie Joe dead?” I said, lightening the mood with a small laugh. “It’ll be fine. He loves you, you love him. And if he hurts you, I’ll bust him.” Mom smiled a bit and looked down at the bouqet of pink tulips in her hand.

“You really think so?”

“Think so? I know so. You’ll blow him away when he see’s you come down that aisle,” I told her, with a grin. She took a deep breath. “You’ve done this before, he’s done this before...”

“I know, but not like... this. His first wedding was really small, he told me,” mom said.

“It was.”

“My first wedding was small too... but it was lovely... Tony was so emotional...” She let out a tiny laugh and her eyes welled with fresh tears. I knew she loved Billie Joe – but dad was always going to be her first and true love. And no matter how I felt about Billie Joe, it was the truth. “In fact, he handed me a note over the table at the reception telling me how much he loved me... and when I asked him why he did that, he said because he felt like a teenager all over again when he was with me... he felt like sending me a note, like they did in school... and Tracy slipped on the cake, I remember that too.” We both shared a laugh at that and I tilted my head, smiling a bit. “I’d never been more in love that day than I had in my entire life... and I thought I’d never feel that love again.”

“But you did,” I told her, gently nudging her elbow with a smile. “And you’re lucky.”

“I know...” She smiled a bit. “I know.”

“And very soon, you’ll have your own memories like that about Billie Joe... and you can tell those little guys in your stomach,” I said, with a grin. “All about how you married their father. You both got this wonderful second chance and you’re lucky for it. So go get him, tiger.”

“Oh, ha ha, hilarious, use a famous cliché why don’t you?” mom said, rolling her eyes but smiling never-the-less.

We walked downstairs to see Tracy shouting down the phone at her brother, “Alfie, for fucks sake... you’re a disgrace... well, tell them to fuck off!... what do you mean you’ve tried that, call security!... No!... Oh my God, put him on the phone...” She glanced over at my mom and her jaw dropped.

Billie Joe Armstrong is my step-father... and I hate it [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now