17. Bouncing Off The Wall [Edited]

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A/N: I'm a little obligated to tell you before you begin - there is drug use in this chapter so if you don't like that then you aren't cool.

Jokes, obviously. Just a pre warning in case any of you aren't into that. You may proceed.

The few hours that followed after that was a blur. The rest of the dinner, I could barely remember as Joey and I sat next to each other at the table. Each of us were far too close for comfort yet painstakingly far away from each other. It alarmed me how much I wanted to touch him and I wondered if he felt the same way about me. I kept seeing him glance towards me every now and then so I assumed that he did.

If it had been hot in the restaurant before, I was certainly sweating now. I could feel my body reacting the same way it had that morning remembering the heat of his body on mine and it was driving me crazy. No wonder Joey and I got on so well - we wanted each other like mad.

The following morning, he was leaving with Jake and returning back to his own place. He knocked on my door to say goodbye to me and whilst I should have just ignored it and hid, I actually was stupid enough to go to the door and answer it. We never mentioned what happened the night before, but looking at each other, we both knew we were thinking about it. We were both thinking about doing it again.

I could see it in his eyes when he was saying goodbye to me. I could see him wanting to shove me back into my room and follow me in, I could see how much he wanted to just touch me somehow and I was afraid of him to touch me, because I knew it wouldn't be enough for me. I didn't want him to just touch me, I wanted him to touch me everywhere. Even the cami top with the pajama short shorts felt like I was wearing too much clothes in front of him.

We both contained ourselves and said bye. It hurt more than I thought it would. Joey and I were different people but we understood each other in a way I couldn't really explain. Even when I was threatening homicide against his own father, he still never tried to cut me down or make me feel bad about it. He only tried to understand where I was coming from.

"This doesn't mean you get to stop talking to me, though," he said, trying to make a joke in the midst of our trying not to think about fucking each other. "You should come over some time." As if he caught onto what he was saying, he hesitated before saying, "Not... Not like that."

"I know what you meant, it's fine," I said, hearing the awkwardness in my voice. "I'll definitely come visit you. I'm still coming to see you play, though."

His face brightened a bit after that. "You are? Good, I can introduce you to everyone. We can chill afterwards." He paused and then added quickly, "With everyone. Obviously."


When he eventually left (Kage calling out a subtly sarcastic goodbye that luckily only I picked up on), the house felt strangely empty. I didn't like walking past the spare bedroom. He had only been there for two weeks but it still felt as though it were longer.

It was probably for the better, I thought to myself. Think about what would have happened. Think about Aiden.

Monday passed slowly without the eldest Armstrong son to make snide remarks to. Tuesday was tremendously fast though, and I knew why. My nerves were shattered with the fear of what would happen on Wednesday night and during that day in school, it was all the girls would talk about.

"How much are you taking?"

"Oh, Jason and I got a bag each, I think."

"I got two bags. If I don't take it all tonight, I at least have some more for the next."

Billie Joe Armstrong is my step-father... and I hate it [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now