18. Basket Case

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The next morning (I say morning, I mean one in the afternoon), after walking back to get Aiden's car, we met up with the other's in Tobias' house and splitting ten of us in two cars - Aiden's and Don's - we all drove to get food. I must have looked awful, dressed in a baggy hoodie Aiden had given me and a pair of leggings I had left at his house previously but I didn't care. The ten of us sat huddled together in a fast food joint, shivering and leaning into one another for support as we tried to come to terms with a God awful come down but each of us saying it had been a great night.

Jason and Lisa left after getting food seeing as neither of them had slept and Jason had been falling asleep with half a hamburger in his mouth but the rest of us retreated down to the shore to smoke whatever weed we managed to keep from last night.

The entire time we sat on the sand, I was curled up against Aiden, letting myself get higher and higher in the hopes it would make this come down a little more bearable. I hadn't yet been sober and I started to get pretty exhausted listening to Aiden's bluetooth speakers play Jamie T on the beach.

Slowly, people started to leave until Aiden and I decided it was time to go. We were driving back to mine and there was a few worrying times that Aiden swerved on the road, being so tired he couldn't focus.

"I'll just sleep in the car after I drop you off," he said, through a yawn and jumping awake again when he narrowly avoided skipping a red light.

I shook my head and said, "No, leave it to me. I'll sneak into the house and let you in when the coast is clear and you can sleep in my room."

He smiled sleepily at that. "I haven't seen your room yet," he said, dreamily before realising the light was green by someone honking the horn behind him.

Now that we were talking about heading back to mine, I came to a horrifying realisation - I hadn't checked my phone. I never came home last night and Kage probably didn't have enough initiative to think of a lie to cover for me. I groaned and leaned my head back in the seat.

"Fuck," I grumbled, rubbing my hand over my face. "Mom is going to kill me."

Aiden laughed, but it was a very exhausted laugh. "Damn. Sounds bad. I'm honestly fine to sleep in the car if you need me to."

I shook my head and turned my head to look at him. "No, I want you there. Just leave it to me, okay?"

Aiden parked a few feet away from the house so that no one would see get out of his car and I walked down the road towards my house, which seemed more like miles away rather than a twenty second walk. The whole time I was walking, all I could think about was my bed that was calling my name. I smiled just thinking about it - I must have looked like a smack addict walking down the street, smiling at seemingly nothing and dressed in a hoodie and leggings with hair uncombed and make up not quite all scrubbed off.

I let out a sigh of relief when I noticed my mom's car wasn't parked outside the house - that was something I could at least avoid for now. I walked in through the front door and pulled out my phone to text Aiden that the coat was supposedly clear and just when I text him, the sudden appearance of Billie Joe startled me.

"Jesus Christ, what the fuck?" I screamed at him, putting my hand over my heart which had nearly pounded right through my chest.

I took a long look at him and then noticed that he didn't look impressed. In fact, he looked annoyed. No, he looked... angry. His voice was dangerously soft when he started speaking to me. "Where were you?"

I gave him an incredulous, tired look. "Fuck off, Billie."

I went to walk up the stairs but much to my shock, he blocked my way and stopped me with his arm in my way, causing me to stumble back a bit. I gave him a surprised look, as though silently asking him how dare you? He didn't seem to care too much.

Billie Joe Armstrong is my step-father... and I hate it [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now