12. Scumbag [Edited]

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"I don't know what you've done," Andy told me, as I sat down with her at lunch with the other three girls. "But Aiden won't shut the fuck up 'bout you. Everythin' is Grace this and Grace that. I have to show her this, she'll love it. I'm going to introduce her to this band next time she's over. Honestly, did you bewitch my brother?"

Emily gently squeezed my arm and grinned excitedly, like a child at Christmas. "See? Wasn't I right? I told you he'd like you, I'm never wrong about this kind of stuff," she said, looking rather pleased with herself. I was pleased with her too, to be perfectly honest with you.

It was now Thursday and after spending the day with Aiden on Tuesday and even sneaking out last night to go meet him, it was hard to think of anything else but Aiden. It was moving pretty fast but then again, so was everything else in my life so who was I to complain about this being the same? Maybe he wasn't the ideal boy next door with all the grades and the potential but he was exhilarating. Being with Aiden was like being free. He even gave me my first joint on Wednesday, which was something I'd never thought I'd try.

I shrugged, smiling shyly into my food. "I guess we just get on really well."

"You're fuckin' telling me," Andy said. "Aiden never bothers with broads so fast so you must be somethin' special."

"Looks like you'll be the third one of us to go official," Lisa pointed out.

"Third? I thought it was just you and Jason."

Emily blushed a little and smiled. "Well, actually, Tobias and I have been dating for a year."

"Yeah and these two won't stop beating around the fucking bush," Lisa said, gesturing between Andy and Idina.

Idina looked down bashfully and there was no reason to ask why she hadn't got with Jordan yet. She was probably to shy to make any kind of move. Andy, on the other hand, flipped some of her hair behind her shoulder and smiled coyly. "Well," she reasoned, "I just like to keep my options open. Besides, I've seen Don go through this and that girl, I don't want him frontin' with me, I want him to work for it."

Emily furrowed her brow. "He literally showed up at your house, played your favourite song outside your bedroom door and took you to LA. How much more do you want?"

Andy shrugged and stabbed her lettuce with a fork, smirking to herself. "I said thank you," she said, popping the lettuce into her mouth. "Besides, he woke up my ma who was not happy to hear The Killers screaming outside her house." She glanced up and then instantly she started laughing. "Oh. My. God."

"What?" I asked, turning to see what she was looking at.

"Are they seriously trying to start a trend by wearing their cheerleading uniform around the school?" Andy scoffed, grinning wickedly. That's when I noticed Jessica and her girly squad crowding the salad bar and Andy was right - they were all wearing their uniform.

Andy turned dramatically to Lisa sitting next to her and grabbed her by the arm. "Are we in an episode of Glee right now? Oh my God, what is that?"

Lisa scowled at the crowd of them. "They honestly make me sick."

Andy paused for a moment before looking at me. "Wait until you see this," she whispered to me, straightening up and clearing her throat a bit, shaking back some of her long blonde hair.

I had never tried to challenge Jessica before. I always assumed she was the girl who ran the school. Any abuse she gave me, I felt I had no choice but to take. In order to go sit with their football team counterparts, they had to walk past our table and I noticed Andy shuffling closer to the edge. She didn't look at them and it wasn't until Jessica face planted the floor, sending food everywhere, did I realise that Andy had actually tripped her.

Billie Joe Armstrong is my step-father... and I hate it [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now