11. Jackass [Edited]

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Aiden persuaded me to skip school the next day to hang out with him. Eager to impress him, I agreed and after leaving Kage off, I feigned that I had to search the car for a specific book and made sure he was safely out of view. It was pretty early for me to go over to Aiden's house but he told me that ten was a good time to show up, seeing as he was used to waking up early when he had to help out in his dad's broker firms.

Knowing the house would be empty from nine, I made my way back and made a bit more effort with my make up and clothes. I was a little apprehensive - the last time I had hung out with Aiden, we were both drunk. What if he really was an asshole? I knew, deep down, I shouldn't be seeing someone with such a sketchy reputation as Aiden but there was something so exciting about him. He was the very definition of the bad boy that everyone wanted and I shouldn't pass up the opportunity if it was presented to me.

Having made up my mind, I left the house after texting my mom I was going to Andy's after school (which wasn't a total lie, really). She would have just assumed I was still upset about yesterday and with someone was quick tempered as me, she wouldn't want to push me too far. Aiden had text me the code to open his gates and I pulled up to the huge house yet again.

When I pulled at the unnecessarily huge door bell, it took less time for the door to be answered this time. Aiden stood in the doorway wearing nothing but a pair of sweat pants that hung low on his waist and caught me off guard. I had almost forgotten how defined his chest and his abs were, decorated with different kinds of tattoo's. He grinned when he saw me.

"G, what it do," he greeted, moving aside to let me come inside. "I was just grabbing some breakfast. Did you want something to eat or anything?" He gestured towards the kitchen and we both retreated back to it, where music was playing - the familiar sound of The Strokes. Joey could say what he wanted about Aiden but he had fantastic taste in music.

I shook my head as I followed him. "No, thanks. I've eaten," I told him, taking a better look of his large kitchen now that it wasn't full of drunk young people and empty beer cans and bottles.

Aiden slid into one of the stools sitting at the overly large kitchen island, picking up a half eaten bowl of cereal. "So, how did the food and chat go down yesterday?" he asked, shovelling some of the cereal into his mouth and adding with his mouth full, "What'd he say?"

I sighed and sat opposite him at the island. "Well, my mom is marrying him, evidently."

Aiden grimaced a bit, pausing from his breakfast to give me a sympathetic look. "Ouch," he said. "That ain't good."

"No," I said, shrugging. "It isn't but... there isn't anything I can do really, is there?"

He gave me an apologetic smile. "Are you alright?"

I let out a long breath and nodded slowly. "I guess I have to be, don't I?"

Aiden finished off what was left of his cereal and ditched the bowl in the sink, coming up behind me and putting his hands on my shoulders, gently squeezing them. "Tell you what," he told me. "Fuck 'em. How about we chill here the rest of the morning and then we can go get lunch somewhere and hit the town for a few hours? We can get you a bit of retail therapy or somethin'. Sound good?"

I couldn't help the smile on my face when he kissed the top of my head and wrapped one of his arms around my neck gently to pull me back into a hug. The more I sat there, the more I couldn't see what the fuck Joey was talking about.

"That sounds like fun," I told him.

We spent the rest of the morning in his house and Aiden showed me around. He showed me the large dining room that looked as though it were used by Lords or Ladies to host magnificent dinner parties back in 1800's England. There was the lounge, where I had met the guys on Saturday night and then there was the living room, which had vintage Victorian furniture and a large fireplace with what seemed to be a portrait of the family above it.

Billie Joe Armstrong is my step-father... and I hate it [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now