3. Stuck With Me [Edited]

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"And he just dropped on you without warning? Sheesh, seems pretty harsh if you ask me," Danny told me, as we cooled off after practice. I had known Danny since I was 10 and we were paired up for private lessons with our teacher, Mrs Harrison when we were 15. We had always been close, close enough to the point where I could openly tell him how much I detested my mother's new boyfriend.

I sighed as I picked up my bag with my gear inside. "Tell me about it. What the hell am I supposed to say to them? Hello, welcome to my house? Oh, here are some tray bakes I made for your arrival, take a seat in the living room," I grumbled sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree and all that."

Danny looked thoughtful for a moment. "I wouldn't know," he said, a little uncertainly. "I never met either of them but I do know a few people who went to school with the older one. Is it James or something...?"

"Joey," I corrected him. "What did they say about him?"

He only shrugged at me. "Not much. They never spoke much to him anyway, he tended to hang out with all his music mates. Kaleb said he thought he was pretty weird but then Kaleb thinks everyone who doesn't keep up with the current thing is weird so I wouldn't take that as gospel."

"Did they say he was nice or anything?"

"Couldn't tell you. They never said anything bad about him, really."

I let out a long sigh, blowing a piece of hair out of my face that managed to come loose from my ponytail. Great. Another complete stranger I knew nothing about was coming to interfere. As if I needed that in my life on top of everything else. On top of Billie making life a misery as it is.

From what I was able to find out from being on his Instagram and skimming through it for a few minutes with Danny, we deducted that he wasn't too far off from Billie, which already raised red flags for me. I already had one, I didn't need the younger carbon copy. Danny tried to assure me that I was probably being biased but it didn't seem to help much.

I turned my nose up after getting a good couple of weeks into his Instagram. "He looks arrogant. Who gets that many photo's of themselves? Taken by someone else no less."

Danny shrugged. "Well, if you had the means, I'm sure most people would."

"He looks vain as fuck."

"Could just be confident," Danny pointed out. "Nothing wrong with knowing you're good looking."

I raised an eyebrow and smirked a little, gently nudging him to tease him lightly. "Oh, you think he's good looking? I can set you up if you want, find out if he's available."

Danny laughed and gave me a gentle shove. "Shut up, Reict. If he'll go after anyone, he'll go for you."

It was my turn to laugh, but it was harsh and incredulous. "Me?" I asked. "He wouldn't go after me. Even if he would, he would no better not to. I'm not going to fall into the Armstrong trap if I'm trying to pull my mom out of it."

"Ah, it'll be the perfect love story though," Danny taunted. "Two star crossed lovers, forbidden to be together because of their parents and Grace's pride."

I shoved him, probably a little too hard but Danny only laughed at me. I could feel the color flood to my cheeks. "Fuck off, Danny."

Danny shot off rather quickly after dance practice, much to my disappointment. I was trying to put off going home as long as possible but he told me that he was supposed to be catching a movie with his girlfriend in town so I had to let him go. I walked out of the studio and took a deep breath, wondering how long it would take to drive to the airport and leave California for two weeks. Would I have the funds available? I still had a few bucks left over from my summer job...

Billie Joe Armstrong is my step-father... and I hate it [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now