Welcome To Paradise

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm so sorry it's been so long. I got my GCSE results last week and I've pretty much spent the entire week celebrating it so I've been hectic. I passed them all, by the way ;P Please enjoy this chapter, I think it makes up for the lack of updates.

PICTURE TODAY: DON RICHARDSON (Trust me... you'll find out why he's important)


When I got home, mom was blasting eighties songs whilst cooking in the kitchen. Any other teenage girl walking in with their crush would feel the need to kill themselves when their mother was prancing around the kitchen singing Blondie. I didn’t. This meant mom was a good mood, which raises the chance of me hanging out with a few eighteen year olds at Aiden’s house. I timidly knocked the kitchen door and my mom looked over, grinning.

“Gracie!” she said, stirring the cookie mix.

“Um... mom?” I asked. “Aiden’s invited me to hang about with his friends.”

“Oh? What time are you going at tomorrow?” she asked, eyeing Aiden carefully. I think she was impressed. I would be impressed.

“Actually, we’re going out now...” I said, awkwardly. Mom looked over, confused.


“I’m sorry if this is a bad time for ya, Ms R,” Aiden said. It was then he used his charms of words, “Or Mrs A.” M,m smiled at the second comment.

“You’re so sweet,” she said, softly, flushing into her cookie mix. I elbowed Aiden softly and gave him the signal to continue.

“I mean... I can see why you’re gettin’ married,” Aiden continued, using his way with words. Mom looked up. “And I can see where Grace gets her looks from.”

Mom dabbed at her cookie mix, a wide smile across her face. Mom was so easily pleased sometimes – especially in her good moods. She hesistated for a while before saying, “Oh... what the hell. Just don’t go doing anything stupid, Gracie.”

“Thanks mom!” I grinned. “Oh, and save some of those cookies for me.”

“Just go before I change my mind,” mom laughed, flciking some flour my way. I grabbed Aiden’s hand and pulled him away only to meet “Mr Perfect” in the hallway. Damn it. I didn’t want Aiden to feel awkward, what with him knowing the entire situation.

“Whoa, where are you going so fast?” Billie asked, when I rushed past him.

“Away from you,” I snarled, hoping with all hopes that Aiden didn’t get too uncomfortable.Aiden didn’t question it like Joey would have.

But Aiden wouldn’t try to fix it like Joey does.

What are you thinking, you don’t want it fixed! I told myself. What was never made can’t be fixed... or something along those lines.

“You always want to get away from me,” Billie said, pouting slightly, obviously attempting to taunt me. It worked. It made me so angry…

“Shut it, you tall five year old,” I hissed, getting aggravated by his voice. It was then I realized Hollie was at his leg.

“Awww, who’s this?” Aiden said, grinning at her. Hollie smiled shyly and backed herself up behind Billie’s leg.

“This is Hollie,” I said, and I said it fast because I noticed that Billie had opened his mouth the reply to that question. Like fuck he was going to introduce my little sister. “She’s my little sister.”

Billie Joe Armstrong is my step-father... and I hate it [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now