Or Am I Just Overjoyed?

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As soon as I woke up, I had a crashing head ache. I winced as soon as I started to awake, and not much energy crawled back to me. I opened one eye. Darkness. Many thoughts went through my head... Where the hell was I? Is it morning yet? Or did I wake up in the middle of the night? Cracks of light appeared to my right and I looked over. At first I thought I was hallucinating, but then I realized I was in a closet and the thin beams of light were shooting through the cracks of the door. What the hell was I doing in a closet? I felt someone sprawled over me. And what came over me to think it was Joey, I had no idea, but I did think it was Joey. I looked down, expecting to notice his black hair. Instead, it was blonde hair, and a rather fit body attatched the the head.


I felt confused. I didn’t have a clue what happened last night, mostly because my head forbid me to think or more pain will come. Aiden’s soft breathing was all I could hear, as well as snoring outside the closet. I wanted to know what time it was. And where I was. I tried to shift, and it was a mistake. As soon as I moved, Aiden snorted, sat up violently abd thumped his head against the wall.

“OW! Fucking hell!” he screeched, grabbing where it hit him and bending over. “My head feels like it’s been used to play tennis...”

“Why are we in a closet?” I asked him. He looked up, slightly startled.

“Grace?” he asked. “Oh, it’s you.” I could hear the slight smile on his face. “I was worried it was Emily or something...”

“What’s wrong with Emily?” I asked.

“Nothing... I just don’t wanna sleep with her coz I may just get slaughtered by Alexander out there,” Aiden said, rolling his eyes. It took me a while to remember Tord’s real name was Alex. “I think we had sex...”

I looked down. I was wearing Aiden’s shirt and underwear. But that was it. Aiden had his jeans pulled loosely onto his legs and he was topless. Holy shit... I couldn’t help but stare at him for a long while. Eventually, I averted my eyes to prevent looking like an oogling fan girl or something. My own shirt, jacket and jeans were sprawled beside me.

“God, I’m sorry, Grace,” Aiden whimpered. “I didn’t know this’ll happen, believe me...”

“It’s alright,” I said, not knowing what else to say. Should I be angry? Usually people get angry… I didn’t feel very angry though. It was my own fault as well as Aiden’s, and there was no point in getting angry with Aiden.

“I didn’t even know they had alcohol in the room ‘til Jordon offered ya,” Aiden said, his accent bringing up the level of sadness and regret in his voice. How could you even get mad when he had a voice like that?

“I’m just as guilty as you are,” I told him.

“You’re only sixteen,” Aiden said. And through the thick layer of black darkness, I could see the apologies in his chocolate brown “heart-melting” eyes. Suddenly, the closet doors swung open and Don peered in. “Don, what the hell do you want, we’re having a serious conversation here!”

“Heeeey guys,” Don grinned. His eyes looked slightly glazed.

“Oh God, please don’t tell me you took the happy pills...” Aiden muttered.

“The what?” I asked, curious to find out about what these “happy pills” were.

“He takes them if he has a hangover,” Aiden explained. “Last year, Don had a breakdown about the apocolypse went ran around screaming about how the world will end so his folks put him in therapy... turns out he had severe schizophrenia.”

Billie Joe Armstrong is my step-father... and I hate it [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now