Dearly Beloved, Are You Listening?

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A/N: Thinking up of titles is getting hard, I don't even think this is relevent...

Okay, seriously you guys. Let's get the story straight here, okay? I DO NOT HATE BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG. I love Billie, so stop accusing me of hating him! Because not only is it going WAY over your head and making you look stupid if you tell me I hate him (because why would I write a fanfiction about someone I hated?), but it's also pretty damn annoying.

So I don't hate Billie Joe.

Sorry for the rant, to all my readers who DO understand (which is the majority of them, thank you), but please, enjoy this chapter.

It's not a filler this time.


MY BABY BOY AIDEN (Side picture) ------------------------------------->


“Do we have everything? Grace, check if we have everything...” mom counted up the bags. I ignored her request and didn’t budge from my spot, my arms crossed and my face pulled into a sulk. “Where’s Hollie? Where’d she go? Hollie?!”

“I’ve got her,” Billie said, with Hollie scooped up in his arms as she constantly asked him questions about his house.

“Where is your house? Why aren’t we going to your house now? Why are we still here? Is your house big?” Hollie asked, a wide grin plastered over her face in fascination. Billie tried answering her questions after she asked them, but others just kept coming. Much to his possible and probable frustration, Hollie was born with our dad’s sense of curiousity. It’s either answer her questions, or throw her into a tantrum. And Hollie’s tantrums are rare for a reason.

“Mom, Kevin has a dog, can we get one?” Kage asked, looking over the fence at our neighbours five year old son, with his new puppy.

“No, we can’t,” mom said. “Because remember when you were three and we had that puppy?”

“I didn’t mean to kill it!” I fought back. “It was just really pissing me off, mom!”

“YOU killed Scruff?!” Kage asked, his face covered in horror.

“Look, enough about Scruff, I think we’ve had enough talk about... death to last us a lifetime.” Mom said the word death quite quickly. In a matter of fact, she said the whole sentence quickly. Billie glanced at her, obviously over-hearing my mom.

“Sammie, don’t think about it,” he soothed her from two metres away. Hollie looked confused.

“What are you talking about?” she asked him.

“Wha- oh, nothing,” he said. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Are you sure?” she asked, stretching out the word sure.

“Right, have we got everything?” mom called out, before Billie could answer Hollie’s question. Mom locked the door, grinning. “Alrighty, let’s get going.”

“Woohoo,” I said, sarcasctically. I pulled my zebra print suitcase into the car. I knew Billie didn’t live too far away from us. It always used to thrill me before he started dating my mom. I used to wander the street, trying to make it out. I never did. And mom was far too depressed to take me anywhere.

Now she was over the moon every day because of Billie Joe.

The trip wasn’t that long – but regardless, we took two cars. Billie drove his own car with Joey and Jakob in front of us, and mum followed in her car. Hollie took fascination in Kage’s video game, her eyes wide with interest. I just looked absent mindedly out the window.

Billie Joe Armstrong is my step-father... and I hate it [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now