4. Troublemaker [Edited]

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The next day, I managed to avoid confrontation with Joey that morning, seeing as I had to get up early to go to school. I was glad I didn't have to see him - I wasn't too sure how comfortable I was about having reasonable competition in the house for two weeks. I was fairly certain if I had to live with his back sass for two weeks, it was only going to end with one of us stabbing the other so I thought the best course of action was to try and avoid each other for the time being.

I left the house, feeling the desire to key Joey's car on the way out but I resisted the urge as much as I could. Going to school was never one of my favourite things to do, seeing as I never really had anyone to hang out with. Danny went to a different high school than mine so that was out of the question. I had begged and begged my mom to let me move to his school but she wasn't going to budge.

The days at school all went the same. I went in, I would occasionally say a half hearted "hi" to the girls I used to be friends with, who were courteous enough to say hello back. I would go to all of my classes (because what else would I have to do?) and I usually avoided eating lunch in the cafeteria because no one really wanted to see a girl sit and eat on her own. Especially not me - they already felt sorry enough for me, I didn't need them to pity me anymore than they already did. After the afternoon classes, I went straight home and was straight online or on my phone to Danny, who was the "popular boy" where he went to school, so he always had enough stories for the both of us to talk about.

However, it was all about to change in the short span of one Chemistry class.

I preferred to sit on my own anyway during classes and I was barely paying attention as it was, drawing little patterns on my textbook absently until I heard the door slam open against the wall. I lifted my eyes and I wasn't too surprised to see who stood there.

Andy Richie. She was everything I wished I could have been - long, messy blonde hair, dazzlingly chesnut brown eyes and a body that killed and she knew that. Andy wasn't the stereotypical popular girl but that didn't stop everyone knowing who she was. You heard something knew about her every week.

"Did you hear Andy Richie got arrested the other day? For possession, I think it was!"

"Andy Richie got caught smoking out the back again by Mr Connors."

"Apparently, she sniffed a whole gram of MDMA herself at a house party when she was sixteen."

She dressed like she was at a rock gig at all times - a purposefully stressed out t-shirt that either hung off her or clung to her with a pair of denim mini-shorts with a barely there pair of tights (if she could be bothered with them) and a pair of boots, sometimes with a heel and sometimes not. On top of that, she looked like she had her make up professionally done every day for school, which I wasn't sure how she was bothered with.

She popped her gum as she walked into the classroom. "Sorry miss," she said, her voice thick with a Brooklyn accent. "I had to help out the new kid, she was lost and she was mad tight 'bout missing her first maths class and all that."

She made her way to sit next to Emily Waters, who had saved her a seat but our teacher, Miss Wylie, stopped her on her way. "And what was this new students name, Miss Richie?"

Andy rolled her eyes dramatically, and gave her a tired look. "I dunno, Julie somethin'?"

Miss Wylie hardened her jaw and set down her notes she had been reading off to us and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Miss Richie, this is the third time this week you've come into class and the second time in two weeks you've given this excuse." Before Andy could speak again, Miss Wylie stopped her. "Find somewhere else to sit. I'm not going to have you and Miss Waters chattering away during class to distract the rest."

Billie Joe Armstrong is my step-father... and I hate it [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now