Melodramatic Fools

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A/N: Dedicated to RhyanaShah (Feel free to kick me if I spelt your username wrong) because she requested this chapter out sooner. Which is good, because I'm lazy.

Gonna try to add a picture onto each chapter...

(I think this is) GRACE'S OUTFIT ---------------------------------------->


“What do you think is better?” I asked my mom, who looked up from the sofa. “This top with these jeans? Or this top with these jeans?”

I had never really wanted to get dressed up for anyone before. But I didn’t want Aiden to think I was some trampy girl either. He looked older than me, so I wanted to look older too. Unlike when I was around Joey, where I felt like I could be myself around him... I pushed Joey out of my head, reminding myself he was going to be my step-brother. And step-siblings don’t feel that way each other the way he thinks.

“Um... can I ask something?” Billie asked. I glared at him.


“Why are you getting dressed up?” he asked anyway.

“Coz of Aiden,” Joey seethed, nearly spitting out Aiden’s name.

“Aiden? Aiden Richie?” Billie asked. “As in the guy next door?”

“Who is this Aiden person?” mom asked, a smug smile crawling on her face.

“He’s the teenager that lives next to us,” Jakob explained. “The Richie’s are our neighbours. There’s only two of them though. Aiden and his mom.”

“He’s taking me around for a walk or something,” I added, as if he just proposed to me. Mom raised an eyebrow.

“What’s he like?” she asked. Joey made a slight scoffing sound from where he sat, but he still didn’t avert his eyes from the t.v.

“He’s got a killer personality from what I’ve already seen,” I explained, if not only to piss Joey off. “And he’s got an accent.”

“Yea, that Brooklyn kid, I know who it is now!” Billie grinned. “Damn, you scored good, Gracie.” Even Hollie gave him a confused look. “... What?”

“Well, I’m glad you have a friend already,” mom told me, smiling.

“So... this or this?” I asked, holding up the hopeful outfits in either hand.

“That top... with those jeans, I think,” mom said, mixing the two outfits together.

“Alright, thanks,” I grinned, running upstairs.

I changed quickly into more presentable clothes. I pulled on black skinny jeans with a long white t-shirt with splashes of neon colours on it and a black jacket. I pulled on my black converse. I looked alright clothes-wise. Then I did my hair. I considered culring it but that would just seem too... Jessica. So I just simply brushed it, giving it a few tweeks here and there.

“And all this for Aiden Richie?” I turned to see Billie Joe standing at the spare bedroom door, smirking slightly at me. I narrowed my eyes at him.

“What’s it to you?” I asked.

“You look nice,” he said, smiling. I smiled back sarcastically before scowling at him. I didn’t even bother thanking him for it. That would mean giving him some form of pleasure. “I actually wanna tell you something about Aiden.”

“Oh, here we go,” I muttered.

“I just hear he’s been... I dunno... tossing a few girls around, y’know? Setting them up to knock them down,” he instructed me, sternly.

Billie Joe Armstrong is my step-father... and I hate it [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now