Such A Sight For Sore Eyes

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When we pulled away, we both looked shocked. Don stammered on his words and I hesitated whether to speak at all.

“Sorry – I didn’t mean – I thought – I was getting – I didn’t – I think I – fuck – I didn’t think-!”

I merely stared at him, mouth hanging open, eyes wide. We both stood there in silence for a moment before something bizarre happened. I’m not sure if it was some mystic force that shoved me, or my own sub-conscious, but I ended up luging forward – as did he – and we ended up kissing again. Much more hungerily this time, as though we were starved of romance all our lives. It carried on for a while, and just as Don was leading me towards the bed – my phone burst into life.

Pulling away, with the same shocked expressions we wore before hand, we took a few steps away from each other so I could answer my phone.

Calling: Aiden Richie xx

“It’s Aiden,” I whispered.

“Answer it,” Don said, quickly. I nodded and answered.


“Grace, are you okay?” Aiden said, rapidly. “I’m so sorry for leaving you behind! Where are you, are you okay?”

“I’m fine – Don took me home, I’m fine,” I said, assuringly. I heard a long sigh of relief on the other end of the phone.

“Thank God – I was worried something happened to you. So you’re at home?”

I hesitated, glancing at Don quickly before looking away. “Yea, I’m at home.”

“Great – can I meet you there in half an hour?”

“Um... I dunno... can you make it an hour or an hour and a half?” I asked him, slowly. There was a small pause.

“Yea, sure – but is something wrong?” he asked, his voice tinted with concern.

“No – of course not. It’s just that... I... just woke up,” I covered up, as fast as my brain would permit me to speak.

After me and Aiden sorted where we should meet in an hour and a half, I hung up on him rather than continously asking each other to hang up first. Don gazed back at me. I looked back at him.

“This never happened,” he assured my unspoken fret. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell Aiden a thing.” He faked an unconvincing smile. It made my stomach twist almost painfully.

“Thank you,” I muttered, making my way towards the door as fast as my legs would carry me.

I wasn’t off the hook of stress just yet. As soon as I walked through the door, I was greeted with the surprisingly angry face of Billie Joe Armstrong. I was startled by this a bit and swore loudly, leaning against the door.

“Jesus Christ – you didn’t need to scare me like that!” I growled, clutching my chest, feeling the pace of my heart slow down from it’s hummingbird speed.

“You know... when I was your age, I wouldn’t have judged you for doing this. But I did go out and get drunk. And I can tell you it’s not a good idea. You’ve scared the life out of your mother!” It was the first time Billie had raised his voice at me, and it was almost scary. I stared back at him, my eyes wide. All I could do was listen. “I understand that you won’t listen to me, but the least you could do was call Samia and tell her you were okay! You know what we got instead? We got a call from the Richardson’s saying Don dragged you back to his house, unconscious!”

“I thought-”

No, no Grace! You listen to me, and you listen well! You’re grounded.”

Billie Joe Armstrong is my step-father... and I hate it [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now