8. Basket Case [Edited]

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I had never been drunk before but when I was, I wondered why I had never tried it before that night. Once the alcohol hit me, I was much more comfortable. I was louder and I was more fluent in conversation. I was getting on with everyone - even the other crowds of people that arrived. Initially, Andy was introducing me to everyone but the more I hung out with Aiden, he started to introduce everyone to me.

Aiden and I were hanging out quite a lot throughout the night. He was asking me all kinds of questions - how did I meet Andy, where did I live, what kind of music I was into. We both discovered we were into Indie rock and self confessed Indie scumbags and Aiden assured me that if I thought I was bad, I should see his collection of Arctic Monkey's T-Shirts.

After a few hours and a few vodka's (and a change from a pair of Andy's massive platform heels to a pair of her New Balance trainers), Aiden invited me out to have a cigarette with him, which I accepted. When we walked out to the back, I wasn't surprised to see a swimming pool, the water reflecting back the clear night sky above us. I shivered a bit when we walked outside and Aiden slipped off his leather jacket and gave it to me to wrap it around myself.

After we had both lit our cigarettes, Aiden started the conversation. "Andy was telling me that your ma is datin' ol BJ across the road."

I scoffed, blowing a loose strand of hair from my face and taking a drag of my cigarette. "Yeah. She is, unfortunately."

"Andy was telling me you didn't like it. I always thought that fucker was weird," Aiden said, turning his nose up a bit. "Sometimes I wanted to let him know that Green Day haven't been relevant since 2006 but... well... that's rude."

We both started laughing and I nearly fell over, having to grip onto him for support. "That's good!" I slurred, gently hitting his arm. "That's funny. You're so funny."

God, do you hear yourself? You're acting like a school girl, my mind scolded.

You are a school girl, another little voice argued. The drunk voice.

Aiden shrugged but he looked pleased with himself, taking another drag of his cigarette. "Well, if you look at the facts. God, I mean... he was always decent to me bit livin' with him? Man, I would spaz out on the cunt on day two."

I steadied myself and threw back some of my hair. "Yeah well... I haven't been so nice to him. I think he's a bastard." I paused to take another drag. "Walking in like... like he fucking owns the place, you know?" I looked up at him for some kind of support.

Aiden raised an eyebrow and smirked a bit. "I know. Ah, ol' BJ I can take I think. It's that fuckin' little bastard son of his, you know? I went to school with him. He'd walk about with his little band friends talkin' 'bout how great they're gonna be. I told him he'll get no where cause, like I said, his da's band haven't been relevant since 2006. Didn't take that well. I kept telling Seb not to do it, y'know? The bass player? Have you met him?"

I shook my head, genuinely intrigued by what he was saying. Andy had never said anything bad about Billie or Joey but hearing someone who actually seemed to have a similar perspective as me was a welcomed change in my eyes.

"Seb and I used to be pretty cool. Not best friends or anything but we were bro's. He was into all this weird jazz shit and I had to sit him down, give him a bit of real talk when he was asked to join this band but he wasn't gonna listen to me. He had his mind set that... what the fuck are they called?"


"What a fucking stupid-... whatever. Anyway, he goes and joins this band and I'm left there telling him that he was making a mistake but..." He shrugged and took another drag of his cigarette. "What do I know, huh? He can go fuck with who he wants to fuck with."

Billie Joe Armstrong is my step-father... and I hate it [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now