Carpe Diem

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After we dechipered how to get out of the car without getting a pointy heel in someone’s eye, we stood outside a small lodging of a place, that didn’t look like it promised much. Styled in Celtic writing (I had seen my dad style many of his workings around Celtic designs), it had the title of Auction. Which was a stupid name, and had nothing to do with anything. But I was not here to ponder the meanings behind titles of places.

The city itself was quaint, and once you entered into it, you could strand out into another deserted road in about five minutes or less. But it was an alive city. Golden lights illuminated the cobbled road, giving it the British feel that it had. The buildings were not big, in fact, the biggest building was an “amusements” where people were gambling all their money away. There didn’t seem to be any houses, in fact, there were none. There was a KFC across the street, the scent of processed chicken wafting through the air, making my stomach rumble.

“WOO!” I looked back to see Lisa dancing away on the street the the sound of the music, which was making the ground vibrate slightly. “The party animals are BACK!”

“Sweet,” some strange boy yelled back, who was wearing a leotard and some heeled boots.

“It’s normal,” Don whispered in my ear. “Apparently, he always dresses like that since his parents ditched him in Alton Towers.” I didn’t bother asking him how he knew that. This city was the city of whacks, I could tell. The drunk prostitute looked up to see who had yelled, but barely lifted her head before she passed out again.

“You think I could bag her?” Don asked, looking at her. “I mean... she’s as drunk as-!”

“Don, you’re eighteen and she’s... what... twenty seven?!” Emily hissed.

“Nine years, big whoop,” Don scoffed. Tord shrugged.

“Go for it,” he said. Don seemed to be considering it before shaking his head.

“Nah. I wanna get some adrenaline pumping in me before I have any sex. After all, there’s bound to about fifty drunk bitches on the street at about eleven,” Don stated. I tried not to show how disgusted I actually was with that statement.

“True that,” Lisa said. “One of them will probably be me.”

“Hey!” Jason yelled loudly. “Why are we still standing here?! Everyone... DISPERSE!” He grabbed Lisa’s wrist and pulled her away with him, and Tord left with Emily. Don skipped away somewhere and Idina left with Jordan, leaving me and Aiden behind.

“Come on,” Aiden said, grinning, grasping my hand. “Let’s start with some clubbing!”

I laughed, letting him pull me away. He pulled me into a the small looking place behind us, where the ages ranged from fifteen to thirty seven. Possibly more, but there was so many bodies, I couldn’t count them all. Auction obviously had deceived me, because it was positively gigantic on the inside. He pulled me into the huge crowd of people, and, with no doubt, it would turn into a riot by the end of the night. But he pulled me straight up to the counter serving drinks. I tried not to frown or look scared. He ordered two drinks. Vodka and coke.

“Aiden,” I said, softly. “It’s only nine, you don’t wanna start too hard.”

“Fuck, sure we do,” Aiden said, taking the drinks. “How else are we gonna get wasted? On water?” He handed me the drink and I looked at it. Aiden frowned.

“I’m being inconsiderate, aren’t I?” he said. I stared at drink, remembering how it made me feel... I was here to have fun. And that was just what I was going to do. No shit will happen to me.

Billie Joe Armstrong is my step-father... and I hate it [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now