May I Waste Your Time Too?

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The old saying goes don’t be afraid of change. But another saying goes if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it. Someone up there was trying to “fix” my life. And then ended up breaking it. Drop Billie Joe in, she’ll love it. Think again, God. Think it over carefully. Do I look over the moon? Coz I sure don’t feel it. If there wasn’t any laws against murder...

I leaned over Billie, who was still fast asleep. Mom had gotten up almost half an hour ago, but Billie never stirred. I swayed the glass of icey water in my hand, a smirk growing on my lips. He actually looked peaceful, lying there in his own bed again, sprawling himself over it, snoring softly, his hair like... well, let’s just say I haven’t seen worse... not even hung over Aiden was that bad. This peace was about to be corrupted. I knelt down beside the bed.

“Hi Billie,” I said, softly.

“Gracie...” he muttered back in his sleep. “Hi... what you doing in Disneyland...?”

I rolled my eyes rather dramatically. I stood up fully before tipping the glass over, letting the icey water splash enthusiastically over the sleeping rockstar in bed. He screamed, scrambled to get up and finally manged to sit up, shaking the water of of his face. “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!”

“Amaaaaazing Graaaace,” I sang, floucning and spinning around the room. “How sweeeeeet the soooound.” I twirled in the air, doing one of my little high kicks.

“What time is it?” Billie asked, rubbing his eyes.

“Half seven,” I said. I had woken up early today and couldn’t get back to sleep, so I decided to go torment Billie... early in the morning. Woo hoo. Fun.

“You better not mean in the morning...” Billie said.

“Good morning, beautiful,” I cooed sarcastically, ruffling his hair. “Did you sleep well?”

“You’re in a good mood for someone who is up so early...”

“I just poured ice water over you... how could I not be happy?” I laughed, almost sickly. “Get up and tend to your twin-carrying fiancé.” Instantly, Billie’s face lit up, and I knew I made a mistake mentioning the twins. “... stop smiling, I didn’t intend on you smiling...”

“I know but... twins. That’s... well, it just sounds good hearing it,” Billie said, gleefully. Oh, pass me the sick bucket.

“You have poisioned those poor kids already.”

“I wonder what they’ll look like... do you think they’ll look the same but only different gender? Coz that would be so awesome...”

“You have just spawned two more bad influences on this world.”

“Oh, one might look like you!”

“I let the others slide but that one was just offending,” I snarled. I rolled off the bed. “More Billie Joe’s in nine months time, whoa-ho-ho!” I exclaimed, with extereme sarcasm, making a gesture of fake happiness with my hands.

“Oh, c’mon Grace. You promised your mom you’d like these kids,” Billie sighed.

“Not if they turn out like you. You and your... bad influence on planet Earth! You have probably gotten ten hippies in jail!” I said, raising an eybrow. “All because you left an impact.”

“I never really thought about that...” Billie said, thoughtfully. “Y’know, there’s this teenager who got a few hippies in jail-!”

“I know, Don Richardson, he’s a new friend of mine,” I said quickly, waving it off. “He took some happy pills and... eh, shit happened after that but the point I’m trying to make here is that you weren’t even there.”

Billie Joe Armstrong is my step-father... and I hate it [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now