Episode 3

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Other Master's went to their padawans and ushered them out of the room. Yaddle came over to Violet and took her away. I saw Obi-Wan's master, Qui-Gon Jinn talking to mine. They came over together and Obi-Wan went off with Qui-Gon. "Hello Master," I said to Windu. He nodded and beckoned for me to follow him. I did and we walked out of the deserted common area. We went to the turbo-lift at the end of the corridor and got in. The turbo-lift wasn't very full but I couldn't see Obi-Wan or Violet in the small crowd. Windu waved his hand over a small dial and the number 5 flashed up on the screen. The lift closed and it started moving up. It went up two levels and opened again. As younglings, we weren't allowed to control the turbo-lift. We were banned from using any force related skills except in training and I was excited to be able to use the force more.

We got out and walked to the end of the long corridor, "This is the master and padawans corridor. Windu said as we walked, "That is the padawan common area," we passed a room with walls of glass, a bunch of boys of 16 or 17 were inside throwing things at each other with the force, "This is the master's common area, you are not allowed in there." We walked past another room with solid walls and one small window, I tried to look but I was too short. We made it near the end and Windu stopped. "I sleep here, you..." he paused, looking me up and down, "sleep in the very end room. Unpack and be ready to go in 15 minutes, I need to show you around some more."

I nodded, "Yes Master," and went into my room. It was a small room with a bed on the floor and a small cupboard for my things. I unpacked my blanket and placed it over the white one that was already there. My blanket was a warm, gaberwool blanket. It was a very nice shade of blue; the same as my lightsaber, and had a picture of a small Mandalorian helmet in the bottom corner. I unpacked my robes into the cupboard.

I went out of my room again and Windu came up to me, "Time to set your password," he said, he waved his hand over the small keypad beside my door, "Only you and I should know it," I thought long and hard about what my password could be. I looked at the keypad, "It has to be a 4 digit number," said Windu, noticing me struggling. I nodded and keyed in 9843. Windu nodded and looked around making sure no one else could see, "You should be able to do the password with the force," I sucked in hard through my teeth. "I will teach you over the next few days. I shall try and get us a mission in a few days but for now, we must bond." Windu said. I nodded as he started walking and I went after him, fast-walking to try and keep up with his large strides.

"Where are we going, Master?" I asked him as we rounded another corner, he paused and smiled,


A/N - Sorry it's so short again 😬

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