Episode 10

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Together the four of us had 6 lightsabers among us, and Vangli's team had 5. Obi-Wan and I moved into a defensive stance and stood in front of the other two. Violet and Quin were ready to attack at any moment.

Vangli and her friends all stood differently, their lightsaber forms didn't work well together, I could tell by their stances. Vangli took a defensive stance, the human an attack stance, both Twi'leks looked unsure of what to do.

We all stood, glaring at each other for a moment. I reached out through the force and tripped Vangli over. That was the signal, we moved to fight. I fought Vangli, Obi-Wan fought her first Twi'lek friend, Violet the human and Quin the second Twi'lek.

Vangli used simple strikes and they were easy enough to defend. I pushed her back, using the force and soon we were all doing flips, tricks and force pushes to try and defeat Vangli's team. I leapt over Vangli, making her spin and struck hard at her. She only just blocked it and her lightsaber fell out of her hand and she groaned, grabbing her wrist. I put my lightsaber to her throat.

"You are beat," I told her. I looked over at the others to see that they had also defeated their opponents. I extinguished my saber and then moved over to my friends. "Like old times, huh?" I smiled,

"Just like it," Violet agreed.

- Flashback -

"Block," said Master Yoda, "Attack,"

We were in the training centre and we were practising our simple lightsaber attacks.

"Why do we have to go over this?" Quin asked,

"In a few months, become padawans, you do," Yoda replied, "Be ready, you must," Quin sighed and went back to blocking and attacking.

Two older Jedi, who I knew to be Masters, came into the centre and began to fight. They stayed almost still as their lightsabers moved quickly, looking like blurs. I could tell at once that they were using the force, their lightsabers were moving unnaturally fast. Just then one of the Jedi disarmed the other, the lightsaber clattering to the ground.

"Sorry for the intrusion, Master Yoda," said the winner,

"Fine, it is," Yoda sighed,

"Teach me to do that," I said quickly,

"And me," Violet agreed,

"And me!" Quin put in. The rest of the class agreed.

"I will teach one of you in good time if you are my padawan," the man said. The class groaned,

"Concentrate," Yoda told the class, "The distraction of Master Windu, you must not pay attention to," I smiled up at Master Windu.

You know how the story goes, I became his padawan and he taught me the lightsaber trick. I had only used it once during training but Windu said I was good at it and I hoped to one day use it in battle.

- End of Flashback -

"That was good exercise," Quin sighed, sitting down at the table, "And you finally got to kick her butt,"

"Finally!" Violet cheered,

"To victory," Obi-Wan rose his cup of water,

"To victory," the rest of us chanted. We put our cups together and then drank.

"Master Tyra," I looked over to where my name was being called, "Master Kenobi," Obi-Wan looked over to Windu as well, "Your presence was requested at the Council meeting 10 minutes ago!"

"Sorry!" I said quickly, putting my cup down and moving quickly toward him with Obi-Wan on my tail.

"You two," he shook his head, but I saw a slight smile appear on his lips. I quickly ran into the Council chambers and took a seat before Obi-Wan and Windu came in a few seconds later.

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