Episode 7

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The ship jolted, interrupting my concentration. I sighed and made my way to the bridge. We were quickly approaching the depressing, rainy planet of Kamino,

"Home sweet home, am I right, Click?" Tex asked with a chuckle,

"Completely," Click agreed, "To the gunships," he then said to the clones around us,

"Get ready to jump back into hyperspace," I ordered, "I don't want anything happening to this senator,"

"Yes, General," the clone at the navicomputer replied. I walked down to the hangar and got into a gunship, leaving Violet in charge. The ships all took off and we flew toward the planet,

"Contact the Senator," I told the clone. Almost immediately the Senators figure appeared as a hologram, "We're here, Senator Burtoni, coming down now, please be ready,"

"I will be, Jedi," she replied and the hologram disappeared. We landed and I led the clones into the building. Senator Burtoni's purple figure was waiting,

"Senator Burtoni," I smiled warmly and outstretched my hand, "I'm Jedi Master, General Aris Tyra,"

Burtoni looked at my hand and then scoffed, "Pleasure," she said, obviously not really meaning it.

"Shall we get going?" I asked, already not liking the Kaminoan.

"I suppose we have to," the Senator sighed. We walked slowly through the rain, I used the force to keep it off me and Burtoni, she didn't seem all that grateful. We made it to the gunships and zoomed off toward the Empress.

"Contact the Empress," I commanded and Violet appeared as a hologram, "Open up the hangar door, Violet," I told her, she ordered a clone and then turned back to me, "I hope you're ready to go, as soon we're safe, get going,"

"Got it," Violet replied and then she disappeared.

We landed in the hangar and the doors to the gunship opened, "Welcome to the Empress, Senator Burtoni,"

"The Empress?" Burtoni questioned, at that moment the ship jolted again, sending us into hyperspace, Burtoni lost her footing for a second but I held myself still with the force,

"Yes," I replied, sighing, "If you'd follow me to the bridge, I can introduce you to my sister,"

"I'd be glad to," Burtoni told me. I stopped Click as he tried to run past,

"Warn Violet that grumpy guts over here is coming," I whispered in his ear,

"Yes, General," he smirked. He ran off toward the bridge and I slowly walked beside Burtoni. She didn't bother making small talk, but I was told to be nice,

"Senator Amidala has told me things about you," I told her,

Burtoni nodded slightly, "All good I hope,"

"Yes, all very good things," I lied, "She says you're a very good senator, very dedicated to diplomacy,"

Burtoni scoffed, "Diplomacy failed the Republic long ago,"

"I don't know if I agree with that," I told her,

"You don't have to agree, you're a Jedi," she laughed slightly. I was confused about what she meant but I kept my mouth closed as we were at the bridge already.

"Senator Burtoni, this is my sister, Jedi Knight, Commander Violet Tyra," I introduced them, "Vi, this is Senator Halle Burtoni," Violet looked Burtoni up and down and then smiled, obviously fake,

"Hello, Senator Burtoni," she said, "Pleasure to meet you,"

"The pleasure is all yours," Burtoni sighed, "I don't need two Jedi to look after me,"

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