Episode 7

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A/N Sorry this took so long to get out I have started school again so I don't have a lot of free time.

I bolted to my room and packed a spare pair of robes and the white blanket, not knowing if Dantooine was cold or not. Then I strolled out of my room clutching my bag, Obi-Wan came out of his room too and joined me, "So our first real mission!" he said enthusiastically, "Can't wait! Plus the mission is with my best friend." I smiled at him,

"I wonder if Violet will wonder where we are?" Obi-Wan shrugged.

"Hello, you two!" I heard a voice say. We turned and standing in front of us was another padawan. But this padawan was a year older than us and had been teasing us since we met her,

"Hello Vangli," I sighed. She laughed, Vangli was a zabrak Jedi and had been a padawan a whole year longer than us.

"Where are you two going with your bags, did they finally expel you?" The two other Jedi beside her looked to be a few years older than us because I had never seen either of them. I straightened my back,

"We're going on a mission," The zabrak and her friends laughed,

"Where to?" Vangli asked. I grinned slightly,

"That's on a need to know basis, I'm afraid you don't have the clearance to know," I said with a huff and walked off, Obi-Wan laughing beside me.


Windu and Qui-Gon were waiting for us, "We're on cargo ship #38262, we need to go on a cargo ship so that the bounty hunters don't know we're coming." said Windu. I nodded, a ship nearby came into land,

"This is us," said Qui-Gon. This was the first time I had heard him speak, his voice was very calm but also strong at the same time. We headed aboard the ship and were led to the cargo hold by a Toydarian pilot and were left there.

"Get comfy!" Windu sighed, "This is going to be a long trip,"


After a long and boring trip, we finally landed on the very green planet. "Huh!" I said to Obi-Wan as we walked down the loading ramp, "I thought it would be more..... ugly," I heard Windu and Qui-Gon laugh behind me and I smiled smugly up at them. The ship took off shortly after we left. We set up the temporary rooms we had brought and set out our things in separate rooms. Windu put a holomap on a small table and explained the plan to us,

"Qui-Gon and I will go around the front and we will go in peace into the camp and ask them a few questions, Aris and Obi-Wan, you two will go around the back and will come in on my signal if we need any help. Any questions?" Obi-Wan and I shook our heads as Windu gave us each a communicator. "I will tap the communicator 3 times if we need help and tap 2 times if we talked to them without any hiccups, ok?" We all nodded and set off toward our beds as the sun outside the windows went down beneath the horizon. I lay down and fell asleep almost instantly.

-- NEXT DAY --

I woke up and go out of my room. The sweet smell of trees greeted me. I went toward the main area and found Obi-Wan sitting eating a ration bar and reading a hologram. I sat down and grabbed a ration bar for myself. We didn't talk until Obi-Wan said, "You're nervous." I looked at him surprised, "I can feel it," he continued, "You think something is going to go wrong," I frowned at him,

"Nothing will go wrong you...." I tried to think of a word, "Nerf herder!" Obi-Wan laughed at me. Then Qui-Gon and Windu came in.

"Let's go," said Windu grabbing a ration bar. Qui-Gon followed suit.

"Alert us when you are around the back of the camp," said Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan and I nodded and quickly made our way toward the side of the camp. We snuck along the wall of the camp hearing voices every so often. When we got to the back gate I noticed that there were no guards.

Obi-Wan looked at me and we inched into the camp. We walked back along the inside of the wall and stood hiding behind a house-like structure. We could hear voices inside, "The attack on the Jedi Temple was successful. But I wanted to kill a few Jedi Masters. There were no casualties just an injured Padawan. I- what is it?" The voice stopped, another one spoke,

"Two Jedi Masters want to see you, sir," The first voice spoke again,

"Bring them in.... but get ready to kill them on my signal." Obi-Wan and I looked at each other.

"Hands up brats!" We heard a gruff voice from behind us. We turned a Dowutin bounty hunter pointing a gun at us. "Hand over the lightsabers then put your hands up!" the bounty hunter repeated. I looked at Obi-Wan. We both knew that we would be no match for a foe this big. Even with lightsabers. We had never killed nor harmed a living creature before, I knew I didn't have the guts to do it, and I knew Obi-Wan felt the same.

We handed over our weapons and put our hands up. The bounty hunter pushed us toward the front of the building and pushed us inside. "Found the Jedi's padawans lurking outback," The bounty hunter standing behind the desk turned around. He had blue skin and had breathing apparatuses on either side of his face and he wore a large, black hat.

"I was wondering when you were going to show up," The voice was hoarse and rough. "Put them in a containment field and hide them until the other Jedi show up." The bounty hunter behind us grunted and pushed us toward another door.

When we went through there were 5 containment fields. 2 of them were already filled by other aliens. The bounty hunter pushed Obi-Wan at one field and me at another. He pushed a button on a remote and Obi-Wan's field activated and he was lifted off the ground by his hands. He pushed another one and my hands shot up and I felt my body being lifted off the ground. The bounty hunter laughed, "I thought taking down two Jedi would be harder," I saw Obi-Wan scowl,

"Jedi Padawans!" he corrected the hunter. The great bounty hunter laughed again and left the room, locking the door. I looked over at Obi-Wan,

"How are we getting out of this?" I asked struggling against the containment field. Obi-Wan looked like he was thinking.

After a while from the other room we heard Windu's voice, "Cad Bane? I thought we'd find you at the head of this operation!" The gruff voice, belonging to Cad Bane spoke again,

"Ahhhh Mace! Glad to see you again!" he cried happily, Windu scoffed,

"Where are our padawans? If you've done anything to them..." Qui-Gon's voice trailed off. Bane laughed,

"Bring them out!" he called. The Dowutin came in again and pressed a button on his remote and the containment fields started hovering above the ground. The fields followed him out and there was Master Qui-Gon and Windu staring at us in shock.

"Sorry," said Obi-Wan.

"Quiet brat!" said the Dowutin. The containment fields stopped and dropped onto the ground. I had dropped nearest to Bane and he came over to me holding a knife. He put the knife under my chin pushing the cold metal onto the bottom of my chin. I tried moving away but I was too terrified to move.

"They must be very valuable to you," he said mockingly. He pulled the knife away and moved onto Obi-Wan. "I'll be willing to let them live... for a price," Qui-Gon looked like he was about to cut Bane's head off, but Windu still looked calm.

"We're not here to negotiate Bane!" said Windu sternly.

"Then I'll keep them," said Bane, "and if you kill me, Kosha here has orders to kill them!" he gestured to the Dowutin.

"Give us back our padawans!" said Windu.

Bane laughed again, "Nothing is free,"

Windu scowled, "We're not here to negotiate!" he repeated.

Bane smiled under his unusually large hat, "Take them away!" The containment fields moved back toward the other room and, looking over my shoulder, I saw Windu and Qui-Gon watching us leave. Bane laughed slightly as he watched us being taken away and our Masters couldn't do anything about it...

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